Chapter 4

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My Story and Feelings

Ace's P.O.V~

   "Finally, an island" I was following the direction where (y/n) took off, after over 30 minutes of searching, I finally found an island she would have most likely had landed on. The waves made it easier for me to reach the shore, the boat started to scrap up the sand as a sign to jump out and use manual work, dragging it onshore enough to be able to use it again, but not to close to the water's edge. I brush off the small amount of sand on my hands, stopping at the large forest before me 'it couldn't be simple, could it?' I sigh and heaved my feet to start looking for (y/n) and the night was rolling in fast, time was not on my side.

3 hours Later~

   I push another tree branch, feeling tied from walking for 3 god damn hours 'where did you go?' I rest my hand on a tree stump, leaning my body weight onto it. Grumble, grumble* my stomach growled as I remembered, I haven't had anything to eat either. I clutch my stomach and slide down the tree into a sitting position as my gut continued to snap at me.
   My eyelids growing heavy with exhaustion and hunger. My eyes snap open and I shot fire at the direction of some rustling "OUCH, YOU DROP KICK, IT'S ME!!" I see (y/n) stumble out of the foliage, covering her right arm, wincing in pain. Seeing her there, made me forget about my grumbling stomach and tied state, I jump up and race over to her.

   "Sorry, you gave me a bit of a fright, are you ok, I didn't burn too much, did I?" She shakes her head and covered it up with the black cloak she wore "Don't worry about it, I'm guessing you're hungry, considering the fact I found you by your grumbling stomach." She pointed to my stomach, it amazingly growls on cue. I rub the back of my head like an idiot and smile at her "Yeah, I haven't had anything to eat for a long while now, hope you've got food for one more?" She sighed and walked off ahead "I've got plenty, keep up"

A Little Later~

   "We're here" I looked around noticing the little camp site (y/n), not bad considering that she had used the branches and leaves to create her little hut and campfire. "Sit down, I'll get the fire going."
   "Don't trouble yourself, I've got this" with the point of my finger, I set the fire going. When I did I noticed (y/n) flinch, and go wide eyed for a moment before calming herself down and started cooking a large boar over the fire.
   I watched her closely taking note that she wasn't using her right arm, or trying not to use it at the very least. Occasionally her arm would twitch, making her retract her left arm to hold it tenderly. "Oi are you ok?" She waved shyly to me. "Yeah I'm fine"

   'Lier, my ass you're fine' I got up and reached out to her right arm, pulling it out of its hiding place under her cloak. She winced in pain when the light of the campfire revealed her burnt scorched arm "Why didn't you tell me I burned you?!" I stare into her gaze as she bravely forced them open, even tho she in pain "Because it's not your problem."
   "What do mean not my problem, I'm the one who burnt you?!" She went silent and looked away from me. "Here sit down and don't move" she sat down, while I went over to one of the trees and picked off the leaves and threw them into a bowl. I added in a little bit of water and mashed up the leaves to get the paste I was looking for.

   "Perfect" I announce before walking over to (y/n) with the lotion in one hand and a bandage in the other. I sit down beside (y/n) and dip my hand into the paste before carefully spreading it onto the burn marks I've coursed.
   "This will help ease the pain" I press my coated fingers lightly onto her skin, she started trembling at my touch, knowing that it may hurt, but it was healing and cleaning the burns with it tingly cool sensation. After a few more moments, her trembling stopped and started to enjoy it's cool feeling, with my hand sliding back and forth up and down, circles every now and then.

Scarred By Fire (Ace x Reader) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now