Chapter 18

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Ace's P.O.V~

   She did it... She actually did it, (y/n) has defeated not only a man but a nightmare that has been the troubles of her suffering for years... I watched on as she stood there looking over his empty lifeless body. The rain bucket down on everyone, my body shivered at its cold wet presents. I notice (y/n) stumble for a moment as she looked up to the sky. The water that she summoned dropped to the ground soaking her boots, she tipped forward then back, so far back that she couldn't keep her own balance and landed flat on her back, onto the cold wet ground. I didn't hesitate to race over and check on her, I was panicking, hoping that she was still ok.

   "(Y/n)! (Y/n)!!" I shout at her when a skid up to her and held her in my bare hands, she was cold and limp. I lean my ear towards her mouth...
"A...Ace.." I hear her breath my name and sigh in relief, holding her tightly against my chest. Her cold shaken hands slowly placed themselves on my bareback. Holding each other in an embrace like no other, I was so happy, words couldn't express my feeling at this point.
   "Klick**" my eyes widen in shock to see a gun pointed straight to my head I could only see the dark black hollow barrel, with a faint outline of a marine soldier pointing it to my forehead. The gun rattled in his grasp, clearly trembling in fear, sweat beading off his face and he gulped down his pride.

   "Let them go..." I turn my head to the last remaining Admiral, he seemed calm and composed even tho I bet you any money he was really pissed off.
   "But Sir! Admiral Akainu.."
   "Akainu was defeated in one on one fair fight... He lost, and I must keep to our deal.." Kizaru interrupted the marine speaking and turned his empty gaze to (y/n) and I.
   "Leave.." Those were the only words I needed to hear, I scoop out (y/n) bridle style and begin walking back to my large Nakama. We all didn't hesitate to turn tail and walk away from the battlefield. Some stayed a little before slowly following our large group, making our way to the docks...

Time Skip~

Readers P.O.V~

   I slowly roll onto my side feeling a gentle warmth surrounding me. I peek one eye open to find myself on a ship as the swaying motion created its own lullaby, rocking my back and forth gently like I were a baby. I move around a little more finding the sheets covering me to be very soft and cozy, but as much as I didn't want to move I wanted to see Ace again...
   I reluctantly throw the sheets off me and sit up, feet hanging over the edge of the bed. I wince at the cold wooden floorboards retracting my feet for a moment before playing them down gently. I stand up slowly stumbling a little but able to keep my balance, I turn my gaze to the mirror seeing me covered in bandages from head to toe, my right arm in a sling across my chest, and a large brace on my left leg.

   I led my body weight to my right leg trying to keep pressure off my broken one, I scan the room to find anything I could use that will help me hobble around the place. My eyes land on staff that was roughly around my height, I hope over to it and grab the item before properly placing some weight on my limp leg. Hobbling to the door with my 'Walking Stick' I open it to find an empty hallway and follow it towards where ever sunlight was coming in. The halls echoed my movements as I planted the staff down move at a quick One. Two. That process would repeat itself as I got closer and closer to a door that would lead me outside.

   I pause and press my body against it, pushing the door open, it was slow until it suddenly gave way and made me stumble out in open daylight.
   "Did any of you's hear that?" One man spoke, as I hobbled my way over to we everyone seemed to be, out on the deck. The wood echoed my presents when I walked out from around the corner leaning my weight onto the staff when I was out in the open.
   "(Y/n)!" I turn to the source of the person calling me, it was Ace running over, I briefly forgot about my injuries and placed all my weight onto my left leg
   "Ace!! Ow!" I trembled at the pain, as Ace's smile faded into concern when he reached me, placing his hands on my shoulders.

   "Are you ok?!? (y/n) you should be in bed"
   "BAKA! Do you think I came all the way out here just to be sent back to bed?! I'll be fine, just need to watch the leg that's all..." I glanced at all the crew members as smiles graced their lips, including Ace who was blushing a little.
   "Glad you're up and about, Pops wanted to ask you something, but I told him to ask you when you've rested a little more.." Ace rubbed the back of his head with a shy smile 'What's he so sky about?'
   "That's ok, White Beard can ask me now if he wants?" Ace panicked and waved his hands around looking like a turkey
   "Wait, No, no, no, no, you don't have too, I mean you must be tied and well um.."

   "Relax Ace.." White Beard called out making his way over to me and kneeled down because he's so huge. "If you're sure you want to here now that's fine" he spoke softly even tho it was a very deep voice it held warm words to them.
   "How you like to become my very own daughter and join our crew?" My eyes widen for a moment and my mouth a little open. The shock expression stayed there for a moment before a smile crept in and I lunge at White Beard, forgetting about my broken leg.
I warp arms around his large neck and held the biggest idiot grin that could out Luffy to shame.
"Of course I will, for now on I'm your daughter, Popes"

   Everyone started cheering and swarming in when Popes placed me back down gently to my feet, everyone surrounded me hugging me from all directions. More and more of my 'brothers' bunched up and started crushing me a little "Um, guys... You're.. You're crushing me" I breath out and they back off straight away rubbing the back of their heads in apologies. Ace raced up to me with a big huge lifting me off the ground with that large idiot grin on his and placed me back down placing a quite kiss on my lips.
   "I love you (y/n)"
I the background I heard a series of 'Oooo's. I smiled placing a kiss on his lips and a large smile on my face.
   "I love you too, Ace..."

Scarred By Fire (Ace x Reader) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now