Chapter 2

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My name is (Y/N)

Second Person P.O.V~

   Your vision was faded and very fussy when you first started to stir. You had a headache and all your muscles were in pain, you flinch at the feeling of being on a hard cold wooden floor. You notice a nice sweet swaying motion and the sound of water, indicating one thing. You're on a ship. You roll over onto your side and press your right palmed hand onto the floor, pushing yourself up slowly from the ground and standing on your own two feet. Only then did you realise your hands were bound together with sea-stone handcuffs, you weren't going anywhere anytime soon. You sigh as you as backed up against the wall and waited. You have been in these situations before and have gotten out many times, but it looks like you've been outsmarted for once.


   Time went by slowly as you meditated and plotted on a way out, but it's a little difficult when you don't have the powers or the resources you needed for a jailbreak. The smooth rocking of the ship kept your nerves at ease, with the sound of the ocean keeping your mind calm and clear. You hear the squeak and ear-ringing sound of a portal door turning and opening, shedding light into the dark filled room you are currently house in. The floorboards creaked as the presents of every step taken by two of the males you have previously tried to escape.
   Your head was down with your (h/l) (h/c) hair covering your face, only an eye, nose and a bit of your mouth was visible. They stopped in front of you, as one took a couple more steps forward before kneeling before you. You recognised the man as he wore the orange cowboy hat that covered some of his face, the freckles were pretty clear, his hair framing the rest of his visible face.

   "Now what to do with you?" He spoke calmly, your skin picked up his warm breath, sending shivers down your spine as a grin formed on his face. But you still composed yourself and continued to glare at the man before you. You growl at him revealing your second trick, as fangs grew from your normal-sized canines and your nose scrunched up like a wild animal, backing up a little more against the wall. "Easy now, I'm not going to hurt you" fingertips invaded your strains of hair moving them out of the way, revealing your beautiful (e/c) orbs filled with fire all of their own.

   "My name is Ace, what's yours...?" You hesitant for a moment before responding, feeling your rage increase as you remembered the fire, your right hand covered the scorch mark as you hissed at the man "I don't talk to killers, I still remember...." You whispered the last bit to yourself, hoping Ace didn't hear you, but he did.
   "Remember? Remember what...?" You turned your head away from him with your hand still covering the mark, the curse that you bare and said nothing more.
   "Come on Ace, it's obvious she's not going to talk, leave her for a while longer" Ace looked up at his crewmate Marco then turned back to you and sigh. He stood up and walked with his brother out of the room, sealing the door behind them to recapture the darkness around you, as your eyes quickly adjusted to the shades of black...

Above Deck~

   Ace was walking around on deck, he leaned back on the railing of the ship, looking up to the sky and sighed. He didn't want to leave you down there in that dark place, it wasn't right to keep you chained up like some animal. He felt guilty and sympathy for your negative behaviour. He knew there was a reason why you were acting so cold towards him and he needed answers.
   "Hey Ace, what's with the face?" White Beard called out to his adopted son, his face normal and calm. "Pops... Is there anything you know about the girl we captured?" Imminently White Beard knew something was very wrong with his commander.
   "What do you mean?"

   "She said she still remembers and her powers are not like any other I have seen before." White Beard took a moment to think, he didn't know anything about the little lass to give his troubled commander an answer. He rested his oversized hand on Ace's shoulder, squeezing it gently to give him the 'it will be ok' look. "If it makes you feel any better I'll check on her myself?" Ace was still troubled but managed to curve the ends of his lips upwards "Thanks Pops" with that White Beard left Ace and went down to your dark cell.

In the Cell~

   You sat there still holding onto that scorch mark on the side of your neck, as the memories hunted you. The fire, the screaming, the man who was reaching out to kill you. It gave you a headache as you tried to put the pieces together, Ace has the same powers as that man, but he was much smaller and he didn't have the word screaming death all over his face.
   In fact, he didn't look like a killer at all. Your thoughts were interrupted by the squeak of the portal door opening, allowing sunlight to enter your room once again. You were quiet and still, when a large man walked down the creaking steps, his pure white moustache was a ridiculous size and his large muscles would turn you into a rag within seconds.

   He stopped in front of you, and reached out his hand to you. You flinched and moved back a little about the action, slowly your (h/c) hair moved out of your face as you looked up at this stranger. He may be huge but it looks generally nice.
   "Give me your hand" was all he said before you hesitantly obeyed and reached your much smaller arms out to him. He held them gently the unlocked them with a key.
   "I'm White Beard, captain of this ship, I'm not going to hurt you, we're not like that..."
   'We're? I'm guessing he means his whole crew'. You thought to yourself as the cuffs clattered onto the ground before you, he grabbed your arm gently and lifted you onto your feet.
   "May I ask your name, little Lassie?" You quirked an eyebrow at him, feeling stronger at every passing second, you return your hand to the scorch mark, giving yourself comfort.
   "(Y/n), (y/n) (L/n)....."

Scarred By Fire (Ace x Reader) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now