Chapter 16

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Ace's P.O.V~

   I watched everything on the sidelines, I was horrified when I saw her collapse on the ground after taking a brutal blow from Akainu, the worse part was that she didn't move again after that, she didn't move a muscle, not even a twitch from her blood-covered hands. (Y/n) just laid there, motionless, my heart sank to the darkest depths of the sea, I wanted to be taking and drowned into the bottom of the ocean to Davy Jones Locker. I squint my eyes shut before racing to her side, I ignored the comforting hands and words of the other crew members as I had only eyes on (y/n) lifeless body. I skid on the ground beside her, seeing her in such a condition made my heartache "(y/n)... Plea- please get up..." I gently place I hand on her bloodied face brushing her (h/l) (h/c) locks out of her face.

   My body shivers when I feel how cold she was. I place one arm behind her back and lift her up against my bare chest "(y/n)... Yo--- you have t-- to get up" my lips trembled as I feared the worst, my eyes darted to every feature on her face trying to find something, anything, my fingers comb through her (h/c) hair frantically. 'This... This can't be the end...' Tears wield up into my eyes, my vision becoming blurry as the liquid slipped out and landed on her face 'It's not fair...'
I rock back and forth with her body still in my arms, weeping at her side "I never even got to know you properly... I- I never got... An ans-- answer from you... I didn't get th- chance..." I coughed holding make as much pain as I felt, everything in me was flooded with sorrow and guilt, the downpour of the rain didn't help me either.

   Chilling my body to the bone as each drop landed onto my skin and coated (y/n) blood-covered body, cleaning her a little... I place my right hand on her face and rub my thumb against her cheek. "I didn't get the chance to say goodbye... But mo-- most of all, I didn't get to s-- say... Th-- that I love you... I love you, (y/n)" I lean in and lightly pressed my lips against hers, but it wasn't the same... That sweetness was gone and I will never get to experience that ever again. I cradled her into my arms pressing her head against my neck and I rest my head on top of hers, taking the very last moments to hold her like this ever again. "I told you she was a waste of space..." I flinched at Akainu's words, the raindrops now evaporate just before they could get the chance to touch my skin.

   Flames engulfed me as I lay (y/n) down onto the ground careful not damage her remaining beauty. Tears stains are left behind on my face as the flames grew higher and higher, soon it evaporated my own tears turning my sadness into a blinding rage.. I take my hat off and place it on (y/n)'s body, as I sign of respect and love that I feel for her. I turn around slowly, my eyes were no longer the dark copper ores like many times before, they were a bloodshot red this time, meaning only one thing... I was in a state of complete anger that every other emotion was eliminated from my body. The flames got hotter and hotter as it continued to rise and grew. I know (y/n) made a deal that if she dies then Popes, Luffy and myself get executed, but I'm not going to take this quietly, I will kill Akainu, no matter what, only then will surrender...

   "The only waste of space I see around here is you... Lava Lamp..." The words that I spoke gave me some happiness, like the last two words, were a connection between me and (y/n), I could feel her presence as if she is right here beside me. She may be dead but her spirit is still kicking 'If I ever make it out of this alive I will find her Devil Fruit and eat it myself, I'm not sure how but I will find a way too... I won't just be Fire and Water Devil Fruit User, but she always is with me forever...'
   The flames spread forth cutting off everyone from interfering with our new match, I bend my knees going limp a little and bolt forth with fire surrounding both hands "Flame Commandment: Double Fire Fist!" I shout and launch my arms at Akainu sending my flames of fury completely swallowing him up.

   I stop a few feet away from the burning area, I catch a glimpse of something pouncing out, I turn into fire and move behind him, flames in hand with another fire first, sending Akainu flying across the field. But he regained balance and lands on the ground with one knee up and squatting down a little as he skidded across the ground a little, leaving marks into the ground. He stood up and brushed off some dust before charging at me, I had my two index fingers crossed over one another aiming straight at Akainu "CROSSFIRE!!" I controlled tube of flames burst forth in the shape of my cross engulfing Akainu once more. Only then did I panic when he forced his way through my flames and throw punches at me "You never learn do you?!" He yelled in my face landing a punch into my chest sending me flying.

   I hit the ground harshly dragging across the blood-soaked soil. I rub the back of my neck and cough up a bit of blood, I turn my head away and spit out a bit of blood onto the ground. I force myself make onto my feet slowly, I wobbled a little trying to find my feet again, I stumble forward feeling the burning sensation on my chest, I look down to notice a new fresh scorch mark on my chest. Damn did it hurt, if I was struggling to deal with the pain now, I can only imagine the pain (y/n) was going through when she battled Akainu. Flashes of her fight made my blood boil, how she forced herself to keep trying, the look in her eyes when Akainu had her arm in his grasp just before he snapped it... Her howls on pain ringed in everyone's ears right before the final blow that took her life... That took her away from me.

   'Akainu's Lava is my Devil Fruits biggest weakness, but I had to try, just like (y/n) tried.'
I summoned more flames around me trying a new attack 'I would use Flame Emperor but there are too many people and it's my most powerful move... Fire Fist does nothing, CrossFire has no effect, I'll have to use something else.'
   Akainu summons a wave of lava, which gives me an idea, I turn into fire and move right out of the way of his attack "Scared Fire: Sea Fire!" I hurl long lances made out of fire. The lances I use have a combined effect of simultaneously burning Akainu while piercing him. 'This will affect Akainu for sure...' I smirk knowing that he was going to get a taste of his own medicine. He stood in front of the attack unfazed he lifted both arms up and cancels out my best attack yet.

   Sweat flowed down my face when he moved in closer and closer, I tried to think of something I could use, but every move I have will do nothing against him. He grips my neck, crushing my it, I throw a punch at his face on instinct. He turned his body around and tossed me over the battlefield not before shooting some lava into my stomach. I yell out in pain feeling the unbearable sensation sending pain throughout my body to my very core. I roll across the ground, kicking up some dust as I clutch my stomach, wincing at the pain. I lift my head up to see I was beside (y/n)'s body, my gaze softened as the protective flames that kept everyone away from the battle died down.

   I reach my hand out and hold hers gently, I held her hand up to my face and stroked it with my thumb "I'm sorry-- (y/n) looks like--- I'm not strong enough-- either..." I lightly press my lips against her hand noticing something strange 'Still warm....?'
   Akainu made his way over to me, as I release (y/n)'s hand and forced myself to my feet, I could feel pain shot me from my stomach and chest causing my the wince a little and rest my left hand over my chest. "Time to end this..." His hand coated in lava, there was no way I could win this fight, I see that now... I could hear Luffy screaming my name and thrashing around in the arms of some of his crew members, I smile at him. The light in my eyes fading away, tears were pouring out of his eyes, it's a look a never wanted to see on my little brother. Our gazes locked on each other 'I'm sorry Luffy, My friends, my Nakama, Popes....' My eyes glance over (y/n) form as tears returned to my eyes, my spirit was completely crushed at this point and there's nothing I can do about it 'And you too (y/n)....' I turn back to Luffy with a sad smile on my face and a tear escapes my eye.

   "Thank You for Loving Me...."

Scarred By Fire (Ace x Reader) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now