Chapter 8

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I drew the picture myself, in case you ask
Readers P.O.V~

   'What?' I flinch at the panicking marine, daring to open my eyes once more to look down at him. His skin turned lily-white, he was sweating worse then I was, the gun he held rattled in his trembling hands.
   "REPEAT THAT MARINE!" Akainu shouted at the clearly shaken trooper. The axe hit the ground, causing to me gasp and twitch in fear, but sigh soon after.
   "The White Beard Pirates are here!" Every marine showed signs of fear. Another guard dashed through to crowd, equally as frightened as the first one.
   "Sir the Straw hat pirates are here as well" Smoker chuckled, taking his cigars out for a brief moment. His colourless orbs rolled onto my shaken, smaller frame.
   "Well I thought the Whitebeard pirates would come to rescue you, but the Straw hats are a bonus" he placed the cigars back in his mouth and a smirk on his face. He knew they would come a save me, but he didn't think the Straw Hats would come as well.

   "Alright, men! Time to destroy those pirates, who's with me!" They all shouted "SIR!" Before racing off downhill towards the docks. Where I could just make out to two ships approaching, hope started to return to me, I could see Ace again.
   "Don't get your hopes up..." I turn my head to Akainu as he snarled at me, placing the axe away and grabbed his sword.
   "They'll die here, just like you will be after this fight" I growled at him, my teeth clenched tightly shut, but the rage I felt was far stronger.
   "When I get out of these cursed cuffs, I swear, on my life... I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" I lashed out my words of hate, was this man seriously an idiot, doesn't he remember me? He hasn't seen me use my powers, so he may not know.

Akainu's P.O.V~

   I flinched at her words, such hate and filled with lethal poison. She truly despises me. Not sure why considering I never met the girl in my whole life, but the way she spoke, the way she's looking at me in the eye. There's evidence of fear, but a burning fire that what was mixing with rapid winds in them. It looked so familiar 'Where have a seen that before?'

Readers P.O.V~

   He stood there quietly, watching me very closely like he was trying to remember. But his gaze turned away as he was being called to the fight, a smirk spread across his lips as he jumped down from the cold stone stage that I can't seem to leave from. "I would like to see you try" those words made my hands strain on the chains as two guards stood either side of me. Akainu then ran off to the warfare down below, leaving me here, stuck in time.

Ace's P.O.V~

   No wonder why no pirate would come to a place like this, it's crawling with marines. We made port along with my younger brothers crew, The Straw Hats and went straight to battle. I went ahead with Luff and Marco beside me. A marine charged forth and fired at me, I dodged it easily by turning into fire. "Gomu, Gomu Pistol!" I lean back in time, feeling the large force of the wind in front of my face.
   Luffy hit the marine square on the nose before redacted back and spun a little. I turn to my best mate Marco as we continued racing pass and taking out as many marines as we could. "Marco, scan the whole fort for (y/n), this is the only place she could be!" He understood and transformed into his Phenix form, flying up over the marine fort.

   "Luffy we need to stay together at all times if we're going to stand a chance against admirals here!" Luffy turned to me with the idiot grin of his, reassuring me that he was there.
   "You got nothing to worry about, Ace" We took out a few more marines and started calling out for (y/n) 'I beg to god I wasn't too late?'

Readers P.O.V~

   War had come to this fort and I had brought it here. My eyes remained shadowed and my head hung down, I was listening for something, any sound or mention of my name. I could smell blood and hear the yelling of the marines that were being slaughtered. The guards stood very close next to me, but I didn't budge, my mind had been calculating ever since the fight started, and the chances were very slim. First of, even if I did somehow manage get these cursed chains off me, I would be too weak to fight.
   Second, there are a total of five admirals in this fort, each just as powerful as the one before and after. Involving Smoker, Akainu, Garp, Aokiji and Kizaru. But... If I can just use my devil fruit to master level, we all might stand a chance against this. My devil fruit the Mizu Mizu fruit translated to the water water fruit. 'If I can just, use it to the maximum level, then I could control all flows of energy, ice, lava, even lightning.'

   "(Y/N) WHERE ARE YOU!!!"
   "Ace?" My head snapped up with my eyes darting all over the battlefield, any sign of fire. My heart started beating faster at the thought of seeing him again, my head was in a rush. My chest was light but yet still heavy in case I was wrong.
Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted him, my heart lifted to the sky and my chest was light as a feather. Hope and faith had returned to my new energised body, I was ready for anything. I couldn't hold back the smile that plastered itself on my face, and tears of joy slipped out of my eyes.


Scarred By Fire (Ace x Reader) One Piece FanficWhere stories live. Discover now