I'm sorry

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*The school bell rings*

TEACHER: Ok kids! My period is over. I checked your mid term papers. Prefect! Distribute them to everyone.

The prefect of the class takes the checked answer sheets and the teacher leaves. He distributes the sheets to their owners, respectively.

ANNE: I got 19 out of 20. I’m so happy.

JIAH: I only got 15. What about you Y/n?!

Y/N: Ah… I… I got… nine marks.

ANNE: Oh! That’s okay. Next time I’ll teach you and you’ll surely score good. Don’t worry!

JIAH: Yeah! Don’t be sad! See I also got less than Anu.

Y/N: I’m not sad. I didn’t study hard, that’s why I got this. I’m just not good at it.

ANNE: What are you saying? What’s wrong with you?

Y/N: Oh my! It’s nothing! I’m all good. Let’s go and play something. *You smiled at them reassuring*

*The last bell rang*

ANNE: God! Finally! Let’s go home.

JIAH: Y/n! Pack your things quickly.

ANNE: Yeah! Hurry up!

(Your two best friends hurried you up as soon as the bell rang indicating that school is over.)

Y/N: Just a second! *You said smiling at them, while putting your stuff in your backpack* Let’s go.

(You all left hand in hand, talking and giggling all the way to the bus stop.)

*At the Bus Stop*

ANU: My bus is coming! Bye guys.

Y/N: Hey wait! *Hugs her* Always know that I love you.

ANNE: *Pulls away* OMG! Y/n, is this the time you propose me? *She said as the three of you laugh* Love you too bae. Bye!

(She waved and got on the bus. Soon your bus also arrived. You and Jiah go on the same way. Jiah gets off a few stops earlier than you.)

JIAH: It’s my stop! Bye.

Y/N: Bye! Love you!

JIAH: Love you too.

(You widely smile at her and she again waves at you through the window after getting off. And the bus starts its journey again.)
(The smile drops from your face and instead tears start filling your eyes.)

Y/N: *to yourself* I’m sorry…. I’ll miss you.

Sorry? But why? Why will you miss them? Why are you sorry? Why are you sad? Are you leaving them? You were all happy just a while ago, then why so suddenly?

“Y/n! That’s me. I’m the only child of my parents. We’re middle class yet happy family. Well, we used to be a happy family until my grades started falling. I was a top student until the tenth standard but since last year, I’m just a dumbass girl. My parents love me a lot. I get everything I want and I never demand anything out of their range. In return, all that my parents want from me are…. Good grades. But I’m failing in that too. After they raised me for 18 years, I can’t even give them a little bit of happiness. I’m just a burden to them. A burden which gives them sadness only. But enough. I’ll end this meaning less life of mine. No more burden. No more sadness.”

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