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Goodness... I took years to post. Anyways, enjoy :)

Jungkook: *to himself* Your mom has suffered a lot Y/n… You need to know.

Jungkook sighed and walked to you sitting beside. You looked at him. He stayed silent for a while but you didn’t mind since you never spoke yourself.

Jungkook: Y/n…… do you… miss your parents? Huh? Your mom… your dad?

His question took you off guard. You weren’t prepared for this. You thought you were over all this… isn’t that why you did all that earlier? You thought you got out of all problems. Why are you getting them back?

You started getting tense as the memories with your parents started to pile up in your mind. Their smile, worries, everything. Your hands bowled up into a fist as the tesion rose in your body.

Jungkook noticed the change in your posture. He knew it is affecting you and that’s what he wanted but not like this so he decided to change the topic.

Jungkook: Do you want to hear a story?

Your body relaxed as he didn’t ask further about your parents. You opened the fist formed due to tension.

Jungkook: There was a man…. *He started off softly* He was afraid, you see.
Of everything. Everything in this world.
A bus might run over him, or a man might breathe deadly germs onto him, or a donkey might kick him to death, or lightning might strike him down,
or he might love with a girl and the girl would leave him, or he might fail a test and disappoint his parents
and he might slip on a banana skin and fall and people who saw him would laugh their heads off. So you know what he did?

You stayed silent at his question.

Jungkook: He went to this room, and locked the door, and got into his bed, and stayed there. You know what happened after?

He finally looked at you just to find you staring at him. You didn’t wanted to admit but you knew where this was going… and that was your weak point. Worse. You were never strong.

Jungkook: Y/n, do you know what happened afterwards?

He asked again and his gaze was somewhat so intimidating that you had to respond. You slowly shook your head as ‘no’ enough for him to know your answer.

Jungkook: Hmm… then a picture fell off the wall on to his head and killed him.

His tone was serious…

Jungkook: You see what happened here, running away is never a solution. If he had faced the problems he would still have been alive and who knows what all he could have attained. Whatever he would have done, atleast it would have been better than dying.

Jungkook:  You’re not doing something stupid like him, right? You’re not running from anything, are you? Y/n?

He was asking questions that tore your heart into pieces like a sword. You are running…. But where’s the end. No where near. Your palms started getting sweaty and you were living one hell of life right now.

Jungkook:  You didn’t tell me Y/n. Don’t you miss your parents? Don’t you think your mom must be missing you? Your dad must be wanting to have his daughter back? Or… you don’t love them? You’re just thinking of yourself Y/n… are you that mean? Say something Y/n… for your mom… for your dad…. Is there no love for them? Y/n? Say it… You have to say it through words. SPEAK!!!

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