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Jungkook: Irene! Why would you do that?

Irene: Oppa! I just helped you.

Jungkook: No.. you didn’t.

Irene: What? Aren’t you the one who told me to save you from all those clingy bitches?

Jungkook: Language.

Irene: *rolls her eyes* C’mon oppa! I’m an adult. *Jk gives her a look* Okay fine. You told me save you from the clingy girls. So I thought I should help you with her too. Now I need my pay back. Quickly.

Jungkook: You ain’t getting anything. You just made it even worse. *Worried* What will she think of me?

Irene: What. Was she someone important?

Jungkook: *sighed* A lot.

Irene: Oh my! *Excited* Am I getting a sister in law? Really Omo! I’m so sorry oppa! But I didn’t know. Now quickly give me my money, I’ve to go for shopping.

Jungkook: I won’t! You made it hard for me. Go ask father for money.

Irene: I will. But he will give me as a father. I want from my brother too. Now give me.

Jungkook: Ah! Here you go! Just take care of yourself while going around.

Irene: I will! Love you oppa! Bye!

(She waved and left from there. Irene, Jungkook’s younger sister. He loves her a lot, well you must have figured that out already by now. Now back to the trouble she caused…)

Jungkook: No wonder…. Y/n must have misunderstood…. Should I just go to her? Ah! I can’t compromise work. I’ll just go after working hours.

_Time skip… 05:30 p.m._

You held your purse and was ready to leave. The thoughts about Jungkook never left your mind. You bid your goodbyes to all your new co-workers and left the office building.

Jungkook closed all his files as he practically ran down to the designing department as you brought the files from there. He spotted your lady boss.

Jungkook: Hey! I want to know something.

Y/boss: S..sir! What can I help you with?

Jungkook: Y/n! I mean… ah… Y/n works here, right? Where is she? Tell me.

Y/boss: Y/n…? I thought you wanted to talk to me. Ahh… let me think. Y/n….

Jungkook: *tensed* Oh c’mon! Don’t test my patience I’m asking you nicely.

Y/boss: I remember. The new trainee. Yeah! She just left. Might be near the main exit by now.

That’s it Jungkook thanked her and ran through the halls to the main exit. He is not letting you go. No… not again. He won’t let you go without him explaining everything.

Your POV

“I need to get him Outta my mind. He seemed happy. That’s all. That’s all that’s needed. He helped… he taught me how to live. I can’t be a middle stone. Yeah, I’m happy for him. Either he remembers me or not.. I’ll be the same as before with him. Why would I even be angry at him? There’s no reason. There was never a promise of returning back....”

Just like that walking, you spotted something that caught your taste.

“Oh! A gift shop. It says… handmade gifts by specially abled kids! A smile appeared on my lips as I remembered all those kids from back then. They are gone. I don’t know where they are. They are no more in the hospital. I… miss them.”

End of your POV

You walked inside the small shop. Looking around you smiled seeing so many beautiful things made by little kids. You pick a greeting card, opening it which had a beautiful quote inside.

You started reading it in a low voice but another voice completed it out loud.

Y/N: “Doubt that the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun don’t move; Doubt truth to be a liar—

??: But never doubt I love… you.”


Words: 648

Heyyy! This is a short part cuz... Why not end it here?! 😜

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