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(You reach home and your mom greets.)

Y/Mother: Y/n! Welcome home! Go wash up and I’ll bring your lunch.

Y/N: Ok mom!

(You change your dress and until then your mom had already brought your lunch. You start eating and your mother was sitting near you.)

Y/Mother: So, how was your day? Did you study well?

Y/N: It… it..was… good.

Y/Mother: Look Y/n, you have to study hard. The way your grades are falling, you won’t even be able to get admission in a good University. I don’t want you to spend your life like me. I don’t want you to be a housewife, who has to ask his husband for everything. Try to understand daughter.

Y/N: I… know mom.

Y/Mother: I’m taking these plates. Now you go and study. Don’t waste your time on your phone, okay?

Y/N: Hmm.

(Your mom picks the dishes and goes out of your room. You sit down near your study table and take out your notebook and pen.)

Y/N: I’m such a loser.

(You started writing with trembling hands and tears dripped down from your eyes on the sheet of paper, making marks on the paper.)
(You quickly fold the letter and keep it on the table. You take out your phone and message your friends.)

Message: It was nice having you both in my life. Thankyou so much for everything and I’m sorry that I’m breaking our promise. Sorry that we couldn’t stay friends… forever. I’m sorry that I’m leaving.

(You touch the send button and then quickly switch off your phone.)

(You get up and walk out of your room making your way towards the kitchen. You get inside and start looking for something. As soon as you found it, you put it under your top but suddenly a voice interrupts u.)

Y/mother: Y/n! What are you doing here?

Y/N: Mom, I… I came here… to drink water.

Y/mother: Oh okay! Btw, your dad said he’ll come home early. So, you better be studying when he comes.

Y/N: Y..yeah mom.

(You quickly rush out of the kitchen but you see the main door opening. Your father is back home.)

Y/father: Where is your mom Y/n?
Y/N: Dad… she is….
Y/mother: I’m right here.

(Your dad walks upto the couch after taking off his shoes as you make your way towards your room.)

Y/father: Y/n! *Your steps halted* Come here!

(You walked back near the couch as your father was taking out something from his bag.)

Y/father: Did your test results came?

(Right then and there you wanted the world to stop so that you can hide your misery but nevertheless you had to speak…)

Y/N: Y..yes.
Y/Father: Your score?

(Your whole body froze at it’s spot. You tried to speak but hardly…)

Y/N: I… dad I… I got a… nine out of twenty.
Y/father: What? 9 out of 20? Are you serious?

(His expressions changed and he stopped in his tracks to look at you with those big eyes that scared the hell out of you knowing what was about to come.)

Y/father: Is this how you’re gonna continue studying?! Do you even understand you barely passed the exam?! Y/N how can you get to be so shameless?! If you don’t want to study then tell me before hand… and stop going to school. If you can’t study then stay at home and help your mom in household work!
Y/mother: She….
Y/father: Don’t! You’re the one who ruined her. You stay home all the time, can’t you check once if she is studying or not?! *sighed* Such a spoilt kid you’ve become Y/n. What will you do in future? USELESS!!
(The words escaped his mouth leaving a deep impact on your mind. You clutched on your own hand so tight, digging nails inside your wrist. Your eyes filled with some hot water droplets which you tried to restrain from flowing.)

(Isn’t it stupid how people say things so hastily, not knowing what impact it might be leaving on the other person? They might look fine on the outside but deep down somewhere they might be fighting with the tears that keep filling their eyes and they just blink them away.)

Y/father: If you won’t have been my daughter I might have thrown you out of the house! Such a shame! I JUST—
(He raised his hand and you flinched as a sob left your mouth. Just in time your mom came in front to stop him.)

Y/mother: Stop it! She is a grown up girl.
Y/father: Yeah! Grown up! Mannerless and a good for nothing grown up. Now get out of my sight before something bad happens!

(You quickly ran away from there with teary eyes, towards your room.)
(Your dad sighed and sat down on the sofa.)

Y/father: What will she do in her future? Ah.. I’m so worried for her.
Y/mother: Don’t take stress please.
Y/father: She spoiled my whole mood. Here! I got this dress she liked at the shop last time.

(He said forwarding a paper bag towards your mom.)

Y/mother: Wasn’t it expensive?
Y/father: Yeah… but since she liked it. It’s fine.

In your room—

(You closed your room door lightly without making any noise and walked up to bed. Tears streamed down your eyes uncontrollably. You sat down on the floor leaning on the wall. You cried and cried for a long time reminiscing the lashing you just got.)

(You suddenly stopped crying and wiped off your tears. Your hand slowly went under your top and you took out what you brought from the kitchen. A knife 🔪)

(You kept the knife on your wrist…)

Y/N: Rest in peace you unworthy girl.

(You said slowly pressing the knife on your wrist and then closed your eyes….)
_Time skip_

Y/father: Y/n! Come down for dinner!

(Your father called out for you but got no response. He called again but no response.)

Y/father: She must be sad rn… go, bring her.
Y/mother: I’ll go call her.

(Your mom said and made her way towards your room. She reached to your room door calling out your name as she opened the door.)

Y/mother: Y/n! Come fo—*gasp* Y/N!!
(Your mother let out a loud cry as she saw you lying on the floor unconsciously while blood dripping from your wrist for God knows how long. The whole floor was coloured in red.)

(Your father rushed upstairs hearing your mother’s voice and the view in front made the world stop for him.)

{I don't know if you're liking this or not but I hope you read it till the end.

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