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Your doctor, who was coming behind your stretcher, noticed Jungkook's hand that was peeping out of the covers.

Doctor: Where are you taking him?

Compounder: To the mortuary.

Doctor: You don’t respect people when they are alive atleast give them some respect after their death.

(She shook her head disappointed and held Jungkook’s wrist in attempt to cover it up again. But suddenly….)

Doctor: Where did you say you’re taking him?

Compounder: Umm… to the morgue.

Doctor: Are you stupid?! He is still alive. His pulse is low but it’s still there. Let’s take him to the emergency room. Quick!

She said and Jungkook was immediately brought to the emergency room.

At night:

Your mother sat near your unconscious and weak body, holding your hand as she tried to stop her tears. A hand rested on her shoulder and she looked up.

Jiya: Don’t worry aunty… she’ll be fine. Our Y/n is very strong.

Y/mother: Yes… she’ll be fine.

The both of your friends sat beside you as they felt tears building up in their eyes.

Anne: Stupid girl. Didn’t I say I’ll teach you so that you get good marks? Why did you do this? We are supposed to be friends… forever.

She said caressing your hand as few drops of tears made their way down her face. They all sat near you for a long time.

Next Day

Your parents sat in the doctor’s office silently while she was checking your reports. She kept the reports down on the table heaving a deep sigh.

Y/father: Wh..what happened doctor? And why is she not awake yet?

Doctor:  Look, Mr. & Mrs. Song, her condition is stable as I told you earlier… but just physically. Mentally… she is really stressed. In her case, she doesn’t wants to wake up herself. It’s like she has lost all her hopes and now all she wants is to stay like that.

Y/mother: Does… that means… she won’t wake up ever?

Doctor: No… she will. But even if she wakes up, I don’t think she’d like to meet you. What I mean is, according to her last letter… she wanted to go away from your lives. So… you have to give her some time to get back normal. Now… it can either be 1 week, 1 month, or even years. You have to be patient.

Your mom’s eyes got teary once again and your father nodded to the doctor trying to be a little strong.

Y/Father: Don’t worry our daughter is strong. She’ll be back as our little girl.

Second week

You were sitting on your hospital bed motionless, looking outside the window. The nurse injected the syringe 💉 in your hand but you didn’t even hissed by the pain. You just sat there without any emotions. The nurse went out after finishing her work.

Nurse: Sorry mam… but no progress.

She told to your mother, who was standing outside your room with your father, in the hope that maybe today will be different from last 2 week. But all you did was to wake up.

Y/father: Let’s go home.

Y/mother: But… but Y/n….

Y/father: We’ll take her with us next time. Okay?

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