You need to know

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Next Day

You were sitting on the same bench in the hospital garden. No! You weren't waiting for Jungkook… he was long gone from your mind.

You were looking at a little girl sitting on another bench a little far from you. She was looking at the kids playing... She didn’t go to play with them.

Her leg was plastered may be she can’t walk that’s why she was sitting alone instead of playing... You just sat there looking at her…

When suddenly..

??: BOOO!!

A loud voice echoed behind you causing you to look back at the person. Oh! You remembered, he is the boy from yesterday.

Jungkook: Oh my Y/n! You’re to strong. You didn’t flinch a little bit. Here I got this for you.

He said in between the process of sitting beside you and forwarded his hand towards you in which, he held a cone of ice cream… the other one he was eating himself. You didn’t accepted it.

Jungkook: Don’t be shy!

He said and pulled your hand, handing you the cone.

Jungkook: Eat up before it melts… You don’t know but I’ve to ask Doctor noona for money. So don’t waste it.

He said and started eating his ice-cream while you just stared at it… Jungkook noticed that you weren’t doing anything… he looked at you and sighed before opening his mouth to speak.

But before he speaks you get up and walk towards somewhere… leaving him dumbfounded….

You walked upto the little girl who was sitting alone. You kneeled in front of her gaining her attention.

Jungkook observed your actions from afar.

Forwarding the ice-cream towards her you lips curved up in a small… really small smile just enough to be noticed.

Girl: For me?

You nodded immediately gaining a wide grin from her…. She smiled and took it from your hands.

Girl: Thankyou so much unnie!!

You stood up and she waved at you as you were leaving…. You started walking inside the hospital.

Jungkook: Y/n!

(You stopped and turned to him… )

Y/N: She lost her parents in a car accident two days ago….

You said and walked away… he was shocked that you spoke cuz according to his Doctor noona you weren’t supposed to talk.

You haven’t talked for last one month or maybe… no one talked the things of your interest.

Same Place Different day

Sitting on the bench your mind was filled by the thoughts of a boy. “You shouldn’t have done that…” Things like this ran through your mind as you actually waited for him to come again… and as if on cue you heard his voice.

Jungkook: Sorry to disturb you but I’m back!

He said and sat down on the bench beside you. You looked at him…

Oh how badly you wanted to tell him that he is not disturbing you.

Jungkook: You didn’t tell me how long you’ve been here? Did you made any friends? You know I made a lot of them but one by one many of them left and many of them will leave soon… they’re going back home…. With their family.

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