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Inside the hospital:

Jungkook was walking through the corridor with a visible worried expression and someone noticed it.

Old lady: Jungkook! Come here.

Jungkook: Oh hey granny. I didn’t notice—

Old lady: Yeah you didn’t. What’s wrong? Is it about Y/n?

Jungkook: Is it that obvious?

The lady nodded and gestured Jungkook to sit beside her, so he did.

Old lady: Why don’t you propose her already?

Jungkook: I want that too. But don’t you think…. I mean… what do I do? Propose her in a hospital? Where you smell medicines and not roses… am I supposed to shower her with pills instead of petals? That’s soooo…. Un-romantic!

Jungkook whined & the old lady chuckled.

Old Lady: I would suggest you to just go and tell her… it’s not like she’s gonna reject you.

Jungkook: Are you sure?

Random Doctor: The whole hospital is.

The doctor said walking away from there and the old lady gave him a genuine smile that boosted his confidence.

∆Hospital Gate∆

Guard: Here you go.

Jungkook: Thankyou so much. Bye.

Jungkook waved at the guard as he handed him a bouquet of flowers.

Jungkook: *to himself* I’ll definitely tell her today. Oh my god! I’m so excited. I will finally tell her that I love her so damn much.

Jungkook mumbled walking inside the hospital again. As he was crossing the counter he didn’t noticed a middle aged man standing there until his pen fell off. Jungkook bent down and picked the pen giving it back to the man. He handed the pen to the man and started walking away when suddenly….

Man: J.. Jungkook… is that you?

Three Years Later….

Y/mother: Stop being so nervous and tell me the results when they are out. I’m going down.

Your mom told you before she went out of your room. You have been back home since last two years and continued your studies.

Now, here you were sitting in front of your laptop while shaking your legs nervously, As you waited for the company mail.

Y/N: What do I do? What do I do? Ah! I should call Anne! Yess!

You picked your phone and dialled her number. To your luck she received the call.

On the phone__

Anne: What’s up?

Y/N: The result will be out in 5 minutes. I’m so nervous. What if none of the companies accepted me? OMG! What will I do then? Anne! What then?!

Anne: Calm your horses down Y/n. Why won’t they select you? You applied in like 7 companies. I’m sure half of them will accpet you. I can give this in written.

Y/N: What if they don’t?!

Anne: Then I allow you to disappear like your love.

She said jokingly but regretted right after. She knew this matter was sensitive and she knew she fvcked up when silence filled the atmosphere.

Anu: Umm… You know… I didn’t meant to hurt you… I’m sorry.

Y/N: It’s ok. I told you I’m over him. After all it’s been three years.

Lies… all you did was to lie that you forgot him. Naah! You never forgot Jungkook. Even after he left without telling you.

Three years ago… when everything was normal you had seen him just a while ago arguing with the little girl for how he loved you more. You didn’t saw him for the rest of the day. Not to mention never after that day. He just… disappeared. Like an angel from the fairy tales. After moulding your life perfectly for you to live again he just disappeared. But your love for him never left you. Afterall, he gave you this life. How can you forget him?


The sound of notification broke the awkward silence. Then one after another four more notifications.

Anne: Y/n… isn’t that—

Y/N: I just received five mails. *Shocked*

Anne: From the companies?

Y/N: Don’t know. I haven’t opened them.

Anne: Then do it! All the best.

Y/N: Ok then bye.

You cut the call and slowly open the emails and boom! Four companies selected you. One was spam


Y/mother: *from downstairs* Y/n stop jumping and shouting!! I thought it was an earthquake.

You covered your mouth and squealed silently celebrating your victory. After good five minutes of calming yourself, you again sat down in front of your computer.

Y/N: Okay! Now I can choose only one of these for interview. How about the one I received the first mail from? Okay! So I’ll go with this one. Two days for the interview.

You accepted the proposal of one of the companies and sighed in satisfaction.

Y/N: See Jungkook… I didn’t run away this time. Why did you?....... Ahh! Not again with these damn tears. I’m not letting you spill out again.

You said quickly wiping you tears.


Words: 837
We're already so close to the end 🕊️

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