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Y/N: “Doubt that the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun don’t move; Doubt truth to be a liar—

??: But never doubt I love… you.”

You looked to where the familiar sound came from. Scanning down from the boots and recognised the coat from earlier… Jungkook.

You eyes moved up and locked with his. Well… they still were the same. Those dark brown orbs ready to take you to another world full of ecstasy. The eyes you loved… the man you love from your whole heart.

Jungkook: Hey!

“It was like everything around us froze. Only me and him in the whole world. That little shy smile on his face… I could die happily after seeing it. But I don’t have to… I’ve to speak for now. Words….”

Y/N: Hi.

Silence… you just admired his figure which you longed for… for some reason a smile appeared on your lips which kind of gave him the courage to speak.

Jungkook: How are you?

He seemed really nervous. Of course. The last time you saw him, was with a girl asking him for a wedding dress. But… you sent him a genuine smile.

Y/N: I’m doing very well… thanks to you. How about you? How are you doing?

He looked around the store before answering.

Jungkook: I’m doing good. Great actually.

Silence. It started to get awkward as you two silently stood there. You had a lot to ask. He had a lot to explain. You wanted to talk… so he finally managed to break the silence.

JUNGKOOK: You… you look different— I mean good different. You look good. Yeah! Pretty. You look prettier.

A giggle escaped your lips seeing his nervous state as he kept looking at the ground.

“Why so nervous? I wonder how he changed so much. He is the same person who walked around talking to each and every living soul. He looks… even cuter.”

Y/N: Thank you. You too.

JUNGKOOK: Umm… sorry if it sounds too straightforward but… Do you have a boyfriend?

The question took you by surprise as you didn’t see this coming. Your silence tensed him and he spoke up.

JUNGKOOK: You do… oh my! I’m so sorry to bother you. I’ll get going.

He was about to walk away when your body woke. You held on his wrist as he looked up at your face.

Y/N: I don’t have any.

The smile slowly reappeared on his lips.

JUNGKOOK: Then… Would you like having a cup of coffee with me?

Y/N: No.

JUNGKOOK:  Huh? Uh.. oh. I’m sorry I didn’t meant to make you uncomfortable. I was just—

Y/N: Yah! Stop assuming on your own. I meant… I won’t like. I would love to.

JUNGKOOK: Oh.. haha.

Y/N: I’m sorry if I freaked you out. But you should’ve seen your face.

He shook his head with a smile.

JUNGKOOK: You know... It’s pretty seeing you smile.

You two got lost in each other’s eyes once again. The encounter from earlier long forgotten. You slowly looked away.

Y/N: C’mon! Let’s get the coffee.

He nodded with a smile that was now stuck on his lips and wasn’t willing to leave until he was with you.

You two sat on a table near the window after placing your order in the little quiet café.

JUNGKOOK: Earlier… that… that girl in my office….

Y/N: Your girlfriend..? Is she?

JUNGKOOK:! She is my sister. Irene. I don’t have a girlfriend… not yet.

Y/N: Oh.

A wave of joy ran through you after knowing the new information. Many questions were still un-answered. But for now… it’s sweet.

JUNGKOOK: I… had to tell you something.

Y/N: What is it?

JUNGKOOK: I know I left without informing….

Y/N: No… you disappeared. Like a day dream. You just disappeared.

JUNGKOOK: I’m… sorry. Actually three years ago…..

Three Years Ago… The day Jungkook was going to confess—

??: Jungkook? Is that you?

(Jungkook turned around confused as to how this man knew him.)

JUNGKOOK: Yes? How can I help you?

??: Jungkook! My son! OMG! *He ran to Jungkook embracing him* Where did I not look for you? Oh my! Jungkook.

JUNGKOOK: Umm… hey… calm down sir. D-do I know you? Maybe….

??: *Backs away* What are you saying? I’m your father Jungkook! Don’t you remember?

JUNGKOOK: F..father? I’m sorry… I lost my memories in an accident four months ago.

Jk's DAD: No problem. Now I got you. I’ll make you remember everything. But for now, we need to go to your mom. Her condition is not good at all. Since you’ve gone missing… she got two heart attacks… there are chances of brain hamarage. That’s why we are taking her to U.S. for best medication. You have to come with me… she’ll definitely feel good to see you. Let’s go. C’mon Jungkook. I'll prove myself omw but for now let's go.


Jk's DAD: We don’t have much time. Aren’t you gonna save your mom?


JUNGKOOK: I… wanted to tell you but… it all happened in such a hurry and then we all left for states. I… I’m sorry. We came back only seven months ago and you see now... I’m CEO of Seoul branch of my dad's company. I remembered everything not long after.

Y/N: Oh… and…?

JUNGKOOK: I tried looking for you.

(He said making you look up at him. You wanted to know what he meant by that? Why did he wanted to find you?

JUNGKOOK: But… of course you had gone from the hospital. They won’t give me any information… then I decided to take the kids— Oh the kids! Do you miss the kids? You wanna meet them?

He looked excited all of a sudden as he mentioned the kids. He had build an orphanage for the kids. Now he wanted to show it to you.

Y/N: Of course I miss them. You know their whereabouts?

JUNGKOOK: *wide smile* Come with me.

He held your hand pulling you out of the café with him. He made you sit in his car and he looked excited as any kid going for toy shopping. The smile never leaving.


Words: 1041

Just one part away from the final. Did you likes it so far?

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