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Jungkook drove off to somewhere. It took a while to reach there. The ride was silent. Good, peaceful and calming silence. You both reached somewhere as he pulled the car in front of what looked like a cottage.

Like the gentle man he is, he opened the car door for you. You came out reading the board that glittered boldly.


You read out the name of the cottage.

JUNGKOOK: Let’s go inside.

He walked inside as you noticed some kids playing around the garden of the cottage. He made you stand behind him.

JUNGKOOK: Kiddos!! Come here! Quickly!!

As soon as the kids noticed him they ran towards him wrapping their little arms to embrace him and Jungkook tried to fit them all in one hug. A smile appeared on your lips. All these kids… they were kind of your family back then.

JUNGKOOK: Guess who I brought with me?

Kids: WHO?!

JUNGKOOK: Ta-da!!🎉

He clapped his hands moving aside giving them your full view. The kids gasped immediately recognising you. They cheered and ran upto you with same love from three years back. Such pure souls.

??: Unnie! I thought you’ll never come back. I Missed you so much.

You looked over at the little girl..? She has grown a lot in just three years.

JUNGKOOK: I told you I’ll bring her back Daisy!

DAISY: Thankyou so much oppa! You kept your promise.

JUNGKOOK: Now I brought your unnie. Do I get a bigger heart now? Oh yeah?

DAISY: Oh YEAH!! Sure. I’ll go make a huge one for you. Let’s go everyone.

She shouted and all the children followed as she ran inside the cottage. You crossed your arms and looked at Jungkook who was still looking at the kids entering inside. As all of them were gone he eventually looked at you. You raised an eyebrow.

Y/N: You’re still not over that. You did this… just for a bigger heart? That’s lame.

Jungkook dramatically keeps his palm where his heart is supposed to be...

JUNGKOOK: Ouch! That hurts! Stop assuming on your own Y/n.

“What the— How dare he back fire my own words? Jungkook You—”

Your thoughts cut off as you saw him walking closer. A little too close for your health.

JUNGKOOK: I did this… to prove how much I love you. To tell you how precious you are for me. Now even Daisy is giving me a bigger heart… so….


JUNGKOOK: Tch. Are you that oblivious? Hmm?

He said coming dangerously close to you. God knows how you were keeping your calm. Wasn’t he all shy and gentle man a while ago?

Y/N: Ah… I don’t really understand.

JUNGKOOK: What the— Are you dumb or what?

He said as you backed off a little containing yourself from laughing by seeing his reaction. It’s good to tease sometimes.

You gave him a confused look and he rushed his hands through his hairs. You couldn’t help but giggle which he noticed.

JUNGKOOK: Wait— You’re playing aren’t you?

Y/N: Who? Me? No wayyyy… I’m innocent.

JUNGKOOK: Oh yeah?

Y/N: Oh yeah!!

You said and ran away from him as soon as he reached out to hold you. He ran behind you and you tried your best to dodge him. But who are you kidding?

He caught you within fractions of seconds, holding you tightly from behind. You struggled to move but it’s Jeon Jungkook we’re talking about… so all your efforts were in vain. You finally gave up and he kept his chin on your shoulder.

JUNGKOOK: Now let me tell you clearly… I… Love you would be wifey.

You went all red hearing his last words. He turned you around still holding your waist.

JUNGKOOK: I love you Y/n. Be mine.

Y/N: I…. Jungkook….


You were too flustered to get any words Outta your mouth and he knew it. He chuckled and pecked your lips before backing off with a sly smile.

JUNGKOOK: Say it Y/n. *He pecked again* I’m waiting. Won’t you say anything? *Peck* I said, I love you. *Peck* Say it back, won’t you?

He was about to peck your lips again but before he could do so you held his collar pulling him close to your face. He was taken back by your sudden action.

Y/N: I love you too….. yeobo.

You smirked at his shocked reaction and With that you crashed your lips on his… no more a peck. You kissed him passionately devouring his lips. He kissed you back with the same passion, holding you securely in his arms as if… as if you’re the most precious to him and that’s true for sure.

You ARE precious..... ♥️


The end :)

Here comes the end.
Now should I tell you this... This is story is actually based on a true story. I had a friend, I won't tell her name but she was like very close to me but oh how badly I failed to realise what she was going through.

It happened, 3 years ago... She commited su*cide. And we couldn't save her, she was under observation for atleast three days but then we lost her.

How funny... We couldn't know the sadness behind that smiling face... I hope none of you think of doing something like that ever...

If a thought like this ever crosses your mind just think about the ones who love you dearly. Think about them once... Not everyone can survive after losing a precious soul.

I hope you liked the story but ykw, in real life it's not always a happy ending :)

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