Let you go

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Interview Day

You have gotten ready for the interview. Now you were standing in front of your mirror checking your outfit so that you don’t stand low on the day of your interview. Your mother came in your room.

Y/mother: Don’t be too nervous. You’ll make it. I believe in you, sweethearts.

Y/N: Thankyou mom!

Y/mother: All the best. Your dad is waiting for you outside. Go!

You gave her a quick hug and ran out to find your father waiting for you. You left for the interview with your father.

He dropped you and then went to his work. You stood in front of the big building.

Y/N: Jeon Enterprises Ltd. Hmm.. I can do it!

You read the name of the company and walked inside.

One hour later….

Y/N: “Oh no! My number is still behind many. There are only 10 trainees going to be selected and 8 are already selected. What if I don’t pass the interview? Worse! What if the other two get selected before me?!”

Few moments later….

You were even more panicked as it was about to be your turn. You turned to look at girl sitting beside you. It’s her turn next before you.

Y/N: “Ew! Why would she put on so much lipstick!”

You totally felt disgusted by the way she looked. Wearing a lot of make up and a short tight dress, like she wanted to get the job by her body not work.

Clerk: Participant No. 34… Yang Nara!

Nara: Coming.

The girl beside you chirped and checked her make up one last time before putting the mirror in her bag and went inside the room.

Interview Room

Nara entered the room closing the door softly as she acted to be shy.

There were three interviewers, including one man, one woman and a young, handsome boy in the middle. A perfect chocolate boy. The boy was looking down at the papers.

Man: You may have a seat.

Nara: Thankyou….

Boy: Hmm… Yang Nara….

Woman: Sir! Only 8 participants are left including this one to select two trainees.

The boy lifted his head nodding to the woman. His eyes landed on the girl in front and he looked at her for a few seconds.

Nara: “Oh yeah! He is looking at me. I knew anyone will fall for me. I’m selected.”

Boy: Correction! Seven participants to select two trainees.

Man: Sorry sir? We still have to take her—

Boy: Does it look like she is here for the interview? Look here miss… We are looking for workers not strippers, so I’ll tell you politely. Get. Out!

He said in a very serious tone and no one protested.

Nara: Excuse me?! I’m… very sorry sir… I…

Boy: I said GET OUT!

Nara: What tf?! Who do you think of yourself as?! Do you even know me?!

All 3 furrowed their eyebrows in confusion.

Nara: *smirk* I’m your boss's girlfriend. He will definitely fire you if you don’t select me.

Boy: Ha! This girl seriously!

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