Alive or dead?

701 40 10

(The sound of siren 🚨 echoed as the ambulance stopped in front of the Hospital. The compounders quickly took out the stretcher and rushed inside the hospital. Your mom and dad followed them crying mess.)

Y/father: Doctor! Doctor! It’s an emergency! My daughter… she is…

Doctor: Calm down sir! Nurse! Take her to the Emergency room!

(The doctor yelled and the nurse quickly pushed your stretcher towards the emergency room. The doctor was about to leave but your mom held her hand.)

Y/mother: Madam P.....please save her, she is my only d..daughter. She is my life. Please save her…please.

Doctor: She has lost a lot of blood… it’s hard to say anything right now but I’ll try my best.

(She said and walked towards the operation theatre as well. Your mom fell on one of the chairs nearby, crying miserably. Your father sat down beside her and hugged her from the side.)

Y/mother: Please… please save my daughter. *She broke into tears again unable to speak any further.*

Y/father: Shh… nothing will happen to our daughter… she’ll be fine… She….

(He hugged his wife tighter as he himself was scared to lose her only daughter.)

(They sat there dazed for atleast ten minutes in silence when suddenly there was a commotion in the hospital just like it was when they arrived.)

Doctor: It’s an emergency! Take him to the operation theatre right now! Prepare for the operation. He’s bleeding a lot.

(The doctor hurried as the compounder pushed the stretcher speedily on which there laid a young boy covered in blood. Maybe he met an accident and now here he is, fighting for his life at such a young age. He was wearing a uniform which was ripped off badly, covered in blood. All that could be comprehended from the uniform was his name which was written on the batch near his chest…… Jungkook.)

Emergency room

Lady Doctor: Put the oxygen mask On! This girl has lost a lot of blood. Arrange her blood type. Quick!

Nurse: Okay mam!

(The nurse quickly put oxygen mask on you and attached a blood bottle to your hand with the help of a syringe for blood transfusion.)

Operation Theatre

Male Doctor: Put on the oxygen mask, he is loosing his breath. Quick!
(The doctor quickly started his work to save the young boy who is on the verge of dying.)

Male Doctor: Oh no! He is loosing his breath.

Emergency room

Lady Doctor: Oh my God! Her breathing is getting uneven. Before her heart stops working, prepare for AEDs ( The machine that can give a life-saving electric shock)

(The nurse quickly brings the device and hands it over to the doctor.)

Lady Doctor: 3…2…1, Clear!

(She pressed the device on your chest for few seconds and as she removed it, your chest heaved up and you took a deep breath.)

(On the other hand…)

Jungkook’s Doctor: Oh no, no, no! His heart is not supporting…!

(Here, The computer showing your heartbeat… started beeping… normally.)

(The Monitor showing Jungkook’s heartbeat gave a long beep and then…)

Your Doctor: Thank God! She is out of danger now. We can shift her to the room.

(She smiled taking off her mask.)

Jungkook’s Doctor: *sigh* He is… no more. Shift him to the morgue until anyone claimes to know him.

(With a down face, the doctor went out of the operation theatre and the nurse covered Jungkook’s body with a white cloth.)

Out of Emergency room

(The doctor came out of the emergency room and your parents ran upto her.)

Your father: Doctor.. is she?

Your Mother: How is my daughter? Tell me!

Doctor: Don’t worry… she is out of danger… physically. You can go see her after she is shifted to a normal room. After that… we need to talk.

(The nurse pushed the stretcher alongwith the glucose bottle in attempt to shift your room.)

(On the other hand the compounder pushed the stretcher on which Jungkook was lying, totally covered under sheets.)

(Both stretchers were coming towards each from opposite directions. As you two—you and Jungkook—were almost colliding. Your hand moved as you were slowly gaining concious ness.)

(As you moved your hand it accidently touched with Jungkook’s hands making it come out of the white covers.)

(Both the stretchers parted ways. Yours towards a normal room. His, towards the mortuary.)

"Can you see what's coming? Here's a spoiler, bad things end quickly... Remember that. Also, next part will be long I promise."
- Siya

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