Chapter 7

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Hello guys! If anyone is reading to say. Thanks for stopping by! This story is a experiment from my side. I want to explore Islam in a different way. Let us see how this turns out and hope you'll enjoy the journey even though it is different. I am a newbie so sorry for any mistakes as English is my third language. Thanks again.



You may not always end up where you thought you were going, But you will always end up where you were meant to be.

Jessica taylor


The rain is smashing at the window while the wind is knocking at the doors as if seeking permission to enter. Running a hand down Adams hair who is sitting stiffly beside me on his seat I look out the window completely drained. This is not what I wanted or expected. The car is on full speed and the terrorist is negotiating with someone through his phone. About what you may ask? Well, I don't know. I am not even trying to listen, I am too stunned to do that.

Funnily, he has my mobile with him. I thought he would break it or throw it away or just leave it at the white villa beside the ocean to root. Something warm and wet reach my cold cheeks. Salty tears, drained out of energy I don't even wipe it away. Instead I cry more, silently with a burning throat. Gulping down the pain stinging my throat I try to not catch unnecessary attention from Adam or the moron driving the car in front of me.

I accidentally look at the rearview mirror to find a pair of blue eyes burning right through my soul. Turning my gaze away quickly I try my best to stop the flashback of those dark eyes reappearing in my mind. Half an hour ago those eyes were starring right into my eyes but the major difference, his hand were on my neck willing to choke me to death.

Oh right, you probably want to know what happened after he stormed into my room and held me by my neck? I'll try to flashback you into that specific moment.

When my back suddenly collided to the beige wardrobe and I felt short of breath I thought that this was it. I am not coming out of this alive.

My eyes widened and became moist. "I warned you, no tricks." He said between gritted teeth.

He was furious, his eyes were filled with fire and I didn't think I would survive his rage this time. I had crossed my limit but before I died I wanted to know how he could possibly know. That didn't seem to be happening at that moment as his iron hand was still on my neck.

My moist eyes pleaded him to let go of me but it seemed like I was starring into a monsters dark eyes. No mercy. "How on earth did you contact them?" He yelled searching for an answer in my eyes. "Answer me!" He growled and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

How on earth would I answer him? I was literally being strangled! My vision started to blur and I realized that was it. I wasn't getting enough of oxygen in my system and let my body slowly transit to a funky feeling. Slowly my eyes closed and opened before finally closing out his alerted dark blue eyes. My hands dropped from his hand. "Awesome." He mumbled while the pressure from his iron grip from my neck eased.

My knees barely supported me from there and I started to fall down with my head first. That's when I felt his hand quickly grab my arm. He pushed me so I collided with the beige wardrobe again.

Realizing that he had left my neck my hands shoot up. Gasping for breath with my shaking body dropping while having my back along the wardrobe I sat down on the floor with my hands not leaving my neck. My head was heavy and so was my eyelids. My head was spinning as I heavily breathed for oxygen.

Shawn kneeled down in front of me. Ice cold eyes met mine and his whole posture was rigid. His black shirt looked bright compared to his eyes. Feeling disgusted I looked away while my breathing came out in pants. "Will you now enlighten me?" He asked annoyed.

Defining a Terrorist #Wattys2016 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now