Chapter 8

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Hello lovely people! All new readers and golden readers I just want to thank you all so much. Never in my dreams did I think that I'll ever reach 100 likes/stars. It's an surreal and amazing feeling being the newbie that I am and I hope to give you enjoyable chapters.

This is just the beginning of the journey and I hope you stick with me to the end. I am having a hard time visiting Wattpad nowadays as I have a lot of things going on in my university life so bear with me for not being so active. My updates might not be as frequent either but I am doing my best to write/read during any spare time I am getting for example in the bus.

Much love


Shawn closes the door behind us with a click and I feel goosebumps over my whole body. This is not funny and I really miss home.

Facing me he give me one of his famous glares which makes me raise my eyebrow questioningly to indicate that he is confusing. Adam is sleeping soundly behind us and I hope the disgusting man in front of me doesn't start to yell like the maniac he is.

Boring his cold blue eyes into mine he expects me to read his mind now. "Haven't I told you to not preach about Islam? And for the love of God stop acting like a saint. You're far away from it if going by your faith." He nods at my long dark hair indicating that I am not wearing a hijab.

I roll my eyes as this is highly stupid. A murderer is pointing his dirty fingers at me, just great. Don't get me wrong, I know that I am sinning but that doesn't mean I want to be compared to a terrorist.

And at the same time, I'll wear it when I am ready. Not when a certain someone with cold blood tells me to.

He looks at me intensely. "Did you just roll your eyes?" Shawn asks making my heart skip a beat in panic.

I shake my head a bit too quickly. "No." I say intimidated and he seem annoyed.

Sitting down beside Adam I study Shawn for a brief moment. "What did you mean by my faith?" I ask him curiously.

He looks at me as if I am stupid. "You claimed you're a Muslim so I guess going by your faith you're not a saint." He clarifies rigid as he stands there as if he is from the military.

Analyzing his words and actions with crossed legs I blurt out my mind. "You're not a Muslim are you?" I ask him without thinking.

His face expression changes and he seem mortified for a split second. He stares at me for a brief moment surprised at the statement with complete silence surrounding us. It is as if Adams snoring went mute.

With a blank expression he finally opens his mouth. "I am as much muslim as you are." I furrow my eyebrows at the weird statement and before I can retort he cuts me of. "You're not in a position to question me." He looks at me as if searching for an unanswered question. "Just stop preaching, final warning." He says firmly and turns around.

This is just getting weirder and weirder. What's his problem?

"Are you trying to recruit me?" I ask out of the blue and he halts which makes my body feel numb due to anticipation. "If you're then let me enlighten you that the last thing I'll do is to join a extremist group." While my heart hammers in my chest I try to say it with as much confidence as I can muster.

The room goes silent and I can literary hear my heart beat and my throat goes dry as Shawn doesn't turn around. "We'll see about that." He says and leaves the room leaving me dumbfounded and somewhat emotional.

Nothing seem to go right anymore. Looking around the large elegant room I remise my pink girly girl room. Dad was literally forced to renovate my room from white to baby pink. "How did I end up here?" Tears fall down my cheeks as I whisper and try to comprehend that I am in fact living with another family.

Defining a Terrorist #Wattys2016 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now