Chapter 20

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Hello my lovelies!

Missed me? I have missed you!!

So here's another chapter and I am now on my second week of work, ending in a few days! So hopefully by next week I'll be able to focus more on my stories ;) It will take a bit time as I am a slow writer in the context that it takes multiple hours for me to write one chapter.

This is a boring filler chapter. The story isn't ending just yet. Hopefully some more action and progress of a certain relationship ;), then I guess The End :/ So yeah, the end is kind of near though but not too near ;)

Bear with me please :$ <3

So I wanted to ask you guys what you actually like about this story? The question has been on my mind for very long so please beautiful share your thoughts with me! <3

Shona <3


Our greatest pretenses are built up not to hide the evil and the ugly in us, but our emptiness. The hardest thing to hide is something that is not there.

Eric Hoffer


Shawns words leaves a void in my chest. "There's no next for us. You're now officially free to go home." I blink several times, a bit surprised at how those words that I have been waiting for so long to hear makes me feel empty.

Letting the words sink into my system I finally manage to smile and a warmth sips through me when realizing what exactly those words means. What can be more liberating than being able to go home? What can possibly make me more happy?

Allhamdullilah, thank God, it is over. Tears starts to prick my eyelids for some strange reason, maybe due to the relief pumping through every vein of my body? I have no idea why I am so emotional right now, a strange unfamiliar pain stings my heart.

Shawns eyes gazes at me worriedly, isn't it strange that Shawn can be worried? "Hey Sana? Are you okay?" He hesitantly questions and I nod assuring while wiping away my tears.

"I am just." I don't know what to even say as I am not sure why I am behaving this way. "Overwhelmed." I should be jumping up and down as I am finally going back to my safe haven.

Shawn nods quickly hiding his emotions, he surely knows how to mask his feelings. He looked worried a second ago and now he seem expressionless.

A arm encircles my shoulders, giving me a more or less sideway hug. "Hey girl, why are you crying?" Javed asks with a soft smile while his green eyes shines brightly. "I get it, tears of joy right?" I chuckle at that while Shawn distances himself from us.

Zaki, Saeed and Ibrahim comes to join us. "You will miss us won't you?" Zaki asks innocently.

I chuckle and nod. "Of course I will." I honestly reply with a raspy voice.

In Islam it is wrong to mingle with males who for you are non-mahrams, meaning someone you can marry. I know that the relationship I am sharing with the boys are wrong in a Islamic view but I honestly do consider Javed, Zaki, Saeed and Ibrahim as my brothers. I am not saying it to defend my act but that's just how I feel and I know it is wrong. I hope Allah forgives me for my blunders, Astaghfirullah meaning I seek forgiveness from Allah.

"You know the great lecturer you are I won't be surprised to see you as the next Prime Minister." Ibrahim jokes and I chuckle at that, yeah I wish.

"Hey guys, we have been called by the American embassy. They want us there as soon as possible." Saeed informs us suddenly with slightly furrowed eyebrows as he eyes his phone.

Defining a Terrorist #Wattys2016 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now