Chapter 13

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Hello lovely readers!

Thanks for reading/voting/commenting! I was on top 10!! #9 in spiritual! That could happen only because of you amazing readers! It means the world to me, here you go another chapter with Shawn and Sana :D

This chapter, actually the whole book, is dedicated to SmilingHearts my first and nr1 supporter! This girl here is amazing and her book My Silver Lining got me hocked to Wattpad in the beginning of my journey. Now I am a officially a Conner fan :$ So do check her story out! Thank you for just being the great you! <3

This rather fast update is for the sake of the sweet MehakMushahid , this chapter is not that brilliant or action packed or funny but I hope you like it :) Thanks for reading and liking :D <3


No love between two souls is greater than what is between the spouses.

Tafsir Ibn Kathir


It is said that to run away from your problems is not the solution. Which I agreed to until now. Running away from Uncle Osman, his two sons and their two giant friends is defiantly the solution right now! How can someone even be that huge? I mean they look like bears! We have lost them now or they have lost us now but I don't understand how.

Panting and with sour muscles I run for my dear life with Shawn, hand in hand. Who could have imagined that my kidnapper would be the same guy trying to save my life? Actually ours but still, he hasn't at least abandoned me to rot somewhere.

When jumping out of the washroom window in the motel I didn't realize that we would need to run, run like there's no tomorrow. The car was parked at the front side of the motel and we jumped out at the backside. We could not run to Shawns car as Osmans car were parked beside his.

So instead we run into the small city or town, I am not sure where we are. "Shawn, we can't run forever." I hyperventilate.

He looks towards me and I see sweat beads on his forehead. I guess I am not the only one sweating and being drained out of energy. "You don't say?" I roll my eyes at his sarcasm.

We continue running with the wind whipping our hair and passing by all kinds of people, stores and vehicles. I mumble out sorries then and now when hitting on to people accidentally. Feeling really bad as I hit an elderly lady in a red coat a bit too hard. "OMG so sorry!" I blurt out while passing her, fortunately she doesn't fall and is thanks to Allah strong.

Shawn glances back regularly to check if the Osman clan are following us. "I don't understand, they should be close after us." Shawn says between his breaths with furrowed eyebrows.

The sun is shining quite brightly making his, and I assume my own, face glow. "What if they went back to get their car?" I ask him the first thing coming to my mind and he halts making me run straight into him. "Ouch!" I lose my balance but Shawn steadies me by grabbing my arm and I cling on to his arm. "What happened?" I question confused and breathe heavily.

"Crap! I didn't even think about that." He utters and looks behind me at the road. "They're surely on their way with their car." He looks around and his gaze halts on a bus stop in front of a cafeteria named Café Sigtuna.

OMG, we're in Sigtuna? That's not far away from home, when I say not far away I mean approximately one hour or two hours away. My family usually comes here during the summer for picnic and summer activities. There's a beautiful lake nearby.

Shawn pulls me out of my thoughts when pulling my arm. Surprised I gasp at the impact as we start to run again. However, we don't run that far as he halts in front of the café. To be honest I am really hungry. Yes, I do think about food even when crazy people are running after my life. Yes, that makes me crazy.

Defining a Terrorist #Wattys2016 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now