Chapter 10

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Hello lovely people!

So here comes chapter 10! This is a revelation chapter, a insight in Shawns life which will continue in chapter 11. With the next chapter you might understand him better. Enjoy!



The word 'Islam' means 'peace.' The word 'Muslim' means 'one who surrenders to God.' But the press makes us seem like haters.

Muhammad Ali


"I am not a Muslim." Shawns words echoes in my head.

Staring at him with mixed emotions a battle starts inside me. Yes, my gut feeling was right all along but why? To add to my numbness a cold breeze swirl around and makes me shiver. I sigh heavily while looking away from his deep blue eyes, this is just too much drama for me.

In three days my life has turned to a nightmare and in 72hours my life has turned upside down. All the new information that actually has nothing to do with my life is killing me from within.

Why? Why am I getting affected? Why do terrorist exist? Why would Islamic extremist groups contain non muslims? Why do we need to label them as muslims when they're clearly just terrorists? Nothing more and nothing less.

I don't even know if I want to listen to his story or not. Why a non Muslim joins a extremist group, who claims that they are Muslims, is beyond my understanding. To be honest, I am disappointed by Shawn, he is first a human being and then something else. He let me stand beside that maniac and actually waited for him to justify his act.

I mean Shawn can't be that blind that he couldn't see what was going on? I was crying and still he let Yousef go on with his lies, the lies which made me lose my temper. How could he say that I was trying to seduce him? On a different note, Shawn is just a terrorist who kidnapped me for his own benefit. What do I actually expect from him?

Shawn breaks me from my tangled mind. "Let's go and sit in the car. It's cold and we can." He paused as if contemplating something important. "Talk." He says and starts to walk away from me with his back towards me.

It's true that it is cold and I only have a thin tunic on me. "What if I don't want to talk?" I hear myself ask with confidence which surprises myself.

He halts in his movement and he turns around seeming annoyed. "Then we don't need to talk, just get in the car if you don't want to get sick." He says through gritted teeth and the water from the lake reflects light on his intimidating eyes, giving them an edge.

I change my mind as I want to know his way to this so called life. "Actually, you know what I want to talk. It will be fun to know how a man turned into a horrible human being and so cold hearted that he wouldn't mind seeing someone get raped." I blurt out in rage and challenge his ego while clenching my own hands.

Shawn does a double take as my words slaps him. He swallows hard and looks at me while his human side washes over him. If my mind isn't playing games with me I just saw hurt on him and his vulnerable side display in his eyes.

However as Shawn is the ultimate actor, he masks his emotions with anger within a second. "Well, what did you want me to do? It isn't like I got the chance to beat him up since you smashed his head with a glass jug. He was already bleeding for God's sake, you would be in trouble if we stayed for any longer. I ran away with you, for you. What more do you expect me to do?" He asks with his cold blue eyes almost penetrating my soul.

We stay quite in our positions having a staring competition. The sound of the river is the only sound giving hint that the time is ticking. Not being able to keep my eyes locked with his anymore, I end up looking away first. His eyes hold such an intensity, which I have never seen or confronted before. His eyes makes pain wash over me, a heart stabbing pain to which my eyes well up.

Defining a Terrorist #Wattys2016 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now