Chapter 22

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Hello my lovelies!

Hope you're doing well! So another update huh? *Pats myself on my back* Anyway, I know the previous chapter had a complete twist out of the blue, everything was going well and I ruined it, sorry :$ But I needed that to make this chapter available, another twist.

Before I mention the twist on this chapter I want to thank you all for reading and supporting. Without you guys I would never enjoy writing this much! You guys make my day.

There's a writer I would like to introduce you guys to, @minion1518, she is writing two unique stories that you might want to check out. Her intikaam (intikaam means revenge) and the strings to my heart. Happy reading :)

So back to this chapter! There's a twist! Well this chapter is in a certain characters point of view ;) ! Any guesses? I am contemplating if to spill out the beans or just let you guys read on to find out. Okay I'll tell you, insert background music first, this is a chapter from Shawns point of view ;) ! So we get a piece of his mind :) ! Though it is hard to extract emotions from him, I at least tried.

To be honest I am not even sure about their feelings and I am just going with the flow. Do tell me what you guys think about Sana and Shawns feelings for each other? Anyway no more blabbering, enjoy! :)

Shona <3


Maturity is the ability to think, speak and act your feelings within the bounds of dignity. The measure of your maturity is how spiritual you become during the midst of your frustrations.

Samuel Ullman


The idea of Sana tagging along with me to bring Adam back didn't go down well with me. Not because I don't enjoy her company, rather the opposite. I just simply don't want to get too attached to her. She has made me turn human after so long that I am nowadays kind of surprised with my own actions. I am a trained officer and to suppress any kind of emotion is a trait we inherit. Sana has somehow managed to break down my walls and how hard I even try to put the bricks back they seem to crumble down around her, I feel exposed almost vulnerable. The worst thing I know is to be able to feel. I sigh inaudible and halt the car next to Grand hotel where Sanas friend works.

I glance at the time. "Make it quick." I rush her without any valid reason, this won't even take much time and the monastery isn't far away.

My curious eyes finds her brown eyes which can spot a hint of gold in the sunlight and she smiles towards me, making me feel way more than I want to. She nods and walks out adjusting her shirt while I look away. I need to get a grip of myself and my sudden hammering heart. This is so wrong in so many levels. I lean back in my seat with a frustrated sigh and stare in front of me as if all the answers to my questions will be found if I just stare long enough.

Instead I see a pair of familiar smiling eyes flash through my mind. Whenever she is happy you can see it in her innocent eyes. Actually you can make out all kind of emotions through them, it is like reading a open book. The corner of my mouth involuntary twists upwards remembering her embarrassed expression. She is actually very naive and juvenile but it is her pure heart that keeps pulling me towards her.

When she jumped in front of me to save me from Ahmed I knew she acted upon impulse or reflex, whatever you like to call it, and she would do it regardless of who was standing beside her. That's just who she is, selfless and caring. However, she immediately turned embarrassed thinking what I would be thinking about her. I tried my best to cover my amusement and changed the topic as soon as I got the chance. Well, technically I diverted her mind by scolding her for not staying away from trouble which is in fact impossible. Offended she tried to pull away her hand from my grip, as if I would let that happen in that delicate situation.

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