Chapter 25

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Hey my sweethearts <3

Another very very long chapter just for you. Hope you enjoy and well, comment to let me know what you want to happen in the very end <3

P.S. I know that I can be a bit unpredictable, sorry :$

Shona <3


The scariest thing about distance is you don't know whether they'll miss you or forget about you.

- The notebook


Javed keeps gazing at me with narrow eyes, the green in them now filled with curiosity, waiting for my reaction. His words rings in my ears, Shawn cares for you and Adam needs you. "No." I hear myself verbalize astonished with my heart hammering in my chest, I can feel sweat beads forming at the back of my neck.

Javed raises an eyebrow and crosses his arm over his torso. "What do you mean?" He questions me with a new kind of interest lacing in his voice.

I shake my head at him and turn to the cups of tea I have placed on the tray. "Of course Shawn cares for me. We are friends." I try to sound casual with a shrug but my heart is painfully fluctuating.

Javed takes the tray from me. "Don't try Sana, even you know the real deal." He tells me with no trouble while I am feeling highly uncomfortable, how do I explain to him that just the mere thought of it is wrong?

"No Javed." I sternly try to get across while looking down.

No surprise, Javed immediately disagree. "Yes Sana! Shawn has been praying ever since you got wounded, if that's not a mind changer then what is? He regularly visits the Mosque which even I don't do being born a Muslim. For God's sake Shawn used to be a atheist, but he is changing and it is only because of you. He worries for you and always put you before himself or anyone else for that matter. If that's not lo." I cut him short with wide eyes, he can't say such a huge thing so casually.

"Stop Javed! Don't!" I beg him with my eyes welling up for some strange reason. "It is nothing like that. We are just friends." I say shakily and run a hand down my face nervously, this might cause huge problems in the future which I am not ready for.

Javed takes a long glance at me before gently answering. "Okay, if you say so." I nod with a soft smile and mouth a thank you, grateful over the fact that he realized my discomfort.

He takes the tray and walks out of the room while I stand there with anxiety filling my chest. Having a hard time to breath I shakily grab a glass of water and sit down on the floor leaning against the cabinet. Adam needs you.

No, don't over analyze his words Sana. It is not worth it, there's nothing between you two. Shawn is just a friend and he can never fall for you. What does that supposed to mean? Can you fall for him? Heat rushes to my cheeks and I shake my head. No, I convince myself. I frown at another thought, he prays? That's so surreal. No wonder he has been commenting in favor of religion lately, but I can't be the reason. That's just absurd.

Resting my head in my hands I try to calm myself down. Every single memory with Shawn passes through my mind. His sneer and sarcastic comments. His way of rolling his beautiful blue eyes at my every childish act, a smile finds its way to my lips at that thought. Most importantly the way he always is there for me. That's clearly friendship.

"Sana?" My mother's voice startles me and I hurry to stand on my feet which leaves me a bit dizzy while my mother eyes me worriedly. "Is everything alright with you?" She inquires with her soft brown eyes and I nod with a smile while holding on to the counter. "You sure?" She keep pressing.

Defining a Terrorist #Wattys2016 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now