Chapter 15

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Hey guys!

I am not sure if any of you are waiting for any updates right now. If you are then I am extremely sorry for the delay :(

This might bother you and I am sorry for that. Actually I am going underground till the 18th of June. My exams are going on in full swing till the 8th of June, my job have also required me to go on a extra course which is also on my mind and then I am going on a short trip.

So my updates are going to be on hold until the 18th of June, I am so sorry guys for the inconvenience. But I promise to give you regular and many updates when back.

I hope you will be there with me when I am back and I am really sorry <3 please don't have any grudges with me :( <3

(I will try my best to update the 9th of June but if I can't then please don't be mad as it will break my heart - dramaqueen much? No but seriously don't be mad :( )

So the next chapter is also a filler kind of chapter, my brain is too damned fried for a fun chapter I guess. I hope this is likable though and that you have something worth reading :$ <3



Make love, not war.

John Lennon


While screaming my lungs out the stupid brat in front of me covers my mouth and is trying to hush me down with his finger on his own lips. "Please calm down and please stop screaming, it is just me. I'll take away my hand if you promise to not scream!" He whispers startled with horror evident in his soft brown eyes and I quickly nod with a racing heart.

When he takes away his hand I inhale deeply before lashing out on him. "What the heck is wrong with you Zaki!?" Glaring at him I scream with my struggling organs.

He quickly starts to apologize with a embarrassed childish look. "Sorry, sorry, Shawn told me to wake you up but I didn't know how to and ended up staring at you." What?

My temper starts to rise, the terrorist has actually smitten me with his nature. "What do you mean didn't know how to? You just wake me up! Call my name, poke me or just anything but don't stare at me like a creepy ghost!" I scold him with my lungs still deprived of oxygen. "Even Adam who is five years old knows how to wake me up." I add irritated while tucking my hair behind my ears.

Zaki sulks and mutters under his breath. "I am sorry." Great, he seem hurt.

"Where's Sahara? Or Shawn? Couldn't they do the honor themselves?" I inquire with a high pitch voice.

"Shawn said you're cranky when awaken, and I guess he is right." He chuckles where he stand and I scowl at him.

Shawn doesn't know about my cranky mood in the morning then why would he say that? Maybe he is embarrassed by yesterdays conversation? Not that he has anything to be embarrassed over.

"Anyway, I'll be with you in a second." Walking out of the bed I take a quick shower before heading towards the kitchen.

"Good morning." Everyone greets me in unison and I greet back.

Sahara is making chocolate chip pancakes to my delight and I try to help her but end up just eating. After breakfast we are ones again located in the living room. How I love living rooms, not! I don't know how but we have ended up in the same positions as yesterday.

Zaki enlightens us that he had yesterday removed a tracker from Shawns car. No wonder the Osman clan found us before.

Shawn clears his voice and starts. "So I have contacted the U.S. Army and talked to our chief. As I am quite tired of all the games and I am sure we all want to get back home, we have one last mission or more like a small task left. We need to expose Osman and their activities in Sweden."

Defining a Terrorist #Wattys2016 (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now