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Arriving at his apartment, they took the stairs to the rooftop. That's where he thought it would be the most appropriate setting for their interview. He didn't want her to feel uncomfortable in such a intimate space.

The lighting was perfect. It had streams of dangling bulbs over patio tables and chairs. Shrubs and a partial lawn.
She conducted her lines as he told her she should do.

Putting together a good amount of questions and follow up questions.

She set up her phone and they began.
It went smoothly , the way he answered things, he sometimes rambled. Which made the interview less robotic . It didn't feel like much of a interview, it felt like when they talked on the the subway. Natural..

After the interview was over she shook his hand and thanked him for his time.

"That's a wrap! Next is editing when I get home!! Damn, thank-you again for being my first real interview. " she said looking over the footage pacing back and forth without knowing she actually was.
Charlie smirked , he still remained seated .

"Oh, you're welcome." He took from his pocket a pack of cigarettes and lighter . He put the cigarette in his mouth and tried to light and cover the flame with the hard breeze they were now getting on the roof.

"Fuck." He grumbled as the light kept going out.

"I got ya." Olivia said coming over to him to help block the wind with covering the other with her hand, the flame was able to stay and he was able to breath in that nicotine he had been carving.

"Thanks." He replied while breathing out a puff of smoke away from her face.

"So, where would I be able to view that interview by the way? Like on facebook or something? " He asked completely out of touch with of social media.

She chuckled. " Facebook, are you still using that?Mmm, you're cute. "

"Still? I just got it 2 years ago. " he said confused. Charlie wasn't sure if she was joking or not he didn't have any other social media's. He didn't have have any knowledge of socials other than Facebook.

"Charlie ya should join Twitter or Instagram-- that's where I'll be posting it. "

"What the hell is a tweeter??? Instagram?? " he asked in sync. He took another puff and generally looked confused at what she was talking about.

"NOOO, haha not tweeter!! Where have you been?"

She took a seat right by him. Going threw her apps.Her leg brushed up against his. When she sat her dress hiked up her thighs, it was a rather short dress to began with.

He swallowed hard averting his eyes.

"This is twitter." She gave him quick lesson on that app , how it worked.
"This is Instagram. " she said going to her page and he saw her photos and reels.

She scrolled threw some of it for him to get a idea of what it was.
"That's were the interview will be?" He asked.

She nodded, he was mentally jotting down her username. It was a easy one.

Unexpected - Charlie BarberWhere stories live. Discover now