Curtains Closed

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Okay guys, this is the last chapter, the finale, the end. I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did writing it.

4 weeks. 4 very long weeks went by. The way Charlie and Olivia ended was indeed atrocious. He had been keeping busy as much as possible. Worrying sick about her. Sending text threw out the day. Calling her . Checking her social medias. She wasn't replying, she didn't return a call, she had not updated anything. He was losing it slowly. He some how managed to get out of bed, even during his worse depressive episodes to get work down though.

He had a whole new cast doing the new play now. He had not spoken to James either. He possibly saw him a few times though from afar in the passing with what looked like a possible boyfriend. He was too chicken shit to even ask her brother anything about her. There was no way, she had not told him EVERYTHING. James probably hated him by now. He admittedly knew all the things he said were shitty and deserved for someone to dislike him.

One evening Charlie was locking up his theater early. He decided to "call it a day" and let the cast go home early. He wasn't feeling well. He had gotten his feeling hurt because he had checked Olivia's Instagram again. This time she had actually updated her page. All the photos that were uploaded from her Christmas visit were deleted. The photo of him with the watch she gifted him ,gone. She has also posted a photo of herself . One of herself in a mirror in a beautiful gown .The caption -"Feeling like myself again." She wore a half hearted smile as she posed showing off her perfect rear end. Another post was a clip of her speaking to a very well known actor 'Dax" during a interview.

He watched the way the two interacted . A sexual chemistry between the two. The man was at least in his early 40's. Bingo, right up her alley. She used that charm on him, getting him to laugh a few times with some silly jokes about different parts of his film. The way he looked at her was the same way he looked at Olivia the night he met her. The way she tucked her hair behind her ear when he randomly complimented her gorgeous smile. He was green with jealously.

His thoughts ran wild, thinking of some man making her smile, her telling her intimate secrets to someone else, someone touching her the way he used to. Kissing her lips the way he did. Making her lips quiver, legs shake, tears wilt during a climax. Her calling another man "Daddy".

He needed to hear her voice. He wanted to reconcile with her so badly. He didn't want things to even end. But it's not like even fought for their relationship not to end though. He thought it was some sort of punishment . A break. But not a forever break!

He dialed her number as he walked the streets , heading for the subway. " Fuck, pick up the phone ." he mumbled hearing that annoying ringing continue.


"Olivia? Hi." he spoke excited that she answered .

"I'm sorry ,you have the wrong number hon." the woman said.

He could not believe this. She actually got her number changed. He guessed it had something to do with the hundreds of text messages and phone calls he attempted at. He apologized to the woman and ended the call. Heading home with a dark cloud over him.

Los Angles

Olivia laid on the bed naked, feeling empty trying to fill the void with sex. The actor pulling out, taking off the condom and shot his cum on her tits. She absolutely gained nothing from that experience . She got up and went to the bathroom to clean herself up. Wiping off his pathetic small load. " If you could lock the door behind you when you leave that would be nice." she called out from the bathroom.

"Jesus, calm down. Most women would hate to see me leave so fast." he said getting up and tossing the condom in a waist basket by her bed. He started to get dressed and walked over to her in the bathroom.

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