The send off.

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TW: miscarriage , angst , verbal abuse . gaslighting .

Tonight , Olivia took it upon herself to read Henry a book while his father was outside having a drag , taking her dog potty around back. He seemed entirely annoyed by Henry by the time they got home At one point just frustrated with him for being a child. A little hyper. He had snapped at him.  

“ Henry, you’re being pain in my ass”.  

Eventually he came into the room to lay on the bed. His son in the middle between his father and her. His eyelids getting heavy as she was about to end chapter 3 of Charlotte’s Web. The entire time Charlie looked past his son’s head and looked at Olivia . She looked zoned out , even while reading. As if she was on auto pilot.  Something was surely wrong.  

A small exhale came from the child’s mouth. His eyes shut and he turned upon her, nuzzled into her chest. “Goodnight , MOM ,goodnight Dad.” He said out of memory of what it was like when his parents used to do this when they were married . She looked down at him feeling a mix of things when he called her that.  

“Night.” she said. She kissed his forehead and slipped out of the bed.    

Charlie tucked Henry in with a stuffed animal and kissed his cheek. He then also slipped out the bed. Turning off the lamp and closing his door. He followed quickly behind Olivia before she made it to the master bathroom. Grabbing her arm.  “Hey, what’s the matter?  You’ve been a little off all night.”

“ Long day at work, I Just need rest I don’t feel good. “She answered, taking his hand off her arm and entering the bathroom. She suddenly hunched over and scooted towards the toilet.  Throwing up barely making it to the toilet . Her hair fell over her face, vomit on the front of her shirt. “Shit. You’re sick.” He panicked going to the ground with her. He pulled her hair back. She shook her head .  

She was dry heaving now. Trying to make sure she had all of it out.  

“I think I’m going to stay home for a few days. I need rest. “She said low. She pointed at the tub. Referring that she would like to clean up. He then sat on the edge of the tub, turning on the water. He sat there quietly , looking at the condition she was in. “I think that’s best too.”  

“Charlie. I have something I want to tell you.” She mustarded up the courage to say.  Just tell him you silly girl. Rip it off like a band aid. “ I --I found out—”  

His  phone rang/ A very soothing song came from his pockets. He took action to look at the phone. The number was unfamiliar to him , he answered it in hopes it was the call he was waiting for. The Grant information.  He put out his finger in a “ Just a minute. “ motion. A gesture she knew way to fucking well from him.  The moment he left the bathroom she heard him speak. “Hello.”

The water in the tub was half full now. She turned off the faucet. Started to undress her. Throwing the clothes in a pile. Not caring to even throw them in the hamper . Very unusual for someone as particularly anal about tidiness. Stepping into the tub, her back pressed towards the back of the tub. She inched down slowly, letting her body slip under the water. Eyes closed , imaging a successful pregnancy . One with no heart ache.  No worries.

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“I got the grant! I GOT the grant .” he exclaimed coming into the bathroom closing the door. He didn’t want to wake Henry.

“I can start repairing , ordering equipment too.”  She resurfaced from the water, quickly. She was startled. He kept yapping about all the things he was going to need. His ideas for a play. Things that she didn’t care about at this instance, it would be nice to share this moment with him. BUT how could she?  A forced smile swept her face. “Congrats Charlie.”  

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