Holiday Blues

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5 days until Christmas.

The Holiday Blues..

After moving back to New York , Charlie Barber hadn't seen his son or girlfriend in 2 months.

Charlie's apartment didn't look to festive,  he decorated his place with a few garland and bows , but he just couldn't get into it this year. 

It wasn't like he was going back to Indiana to see his parents for the holidays.  So he was going to spend it with the cast and crew who didn't visit there families either.

He had a amazing support team of people who knew he was missing loved ones, but Olivia talked him into going back to therapy again. She noticed how he was going into a depressive state.

She tried to talk to him at least twice a day. Mornings and Evenings.

Some cast and crew put together he had gotten into a relationship. They didn't pry much on who it was with. Knowing he was a private person to begin with. But that didn't stop them from searching his social  media's for the mystery woman.

James invited out Charlie to the bar before leaving to see his family in New Mexico. Of course Olivia wasn't invited back home for the holidays. He had every intent in not going out with him, but he thought he should keep up a regular act with him. Like nothing was going on.

James and Charlie were playing  pool.
Shooting the breeze.
They had a 4 beers, bull shitting around.
James was challenging him into shots now. Charlie hadn't done shots since college. He was in his feelings.  In the dumps, so it temporarily helped .

"I know the holidays suck, I'm sorry to hear that you don't get to see your son this Christmas , but maybe some tail will distract you. " James nudged Charlie.  Pointing at a few ladies their age group , they looked good. But Charlie shook his head 'No.'

"What happened man. You too good for  women your own age? Ever since you met my sister,  you started acting weird." James said patting him on his shoulder.

"I don't know what you're talking about?"

Charlie answered on edge. His phone started to vibrate and the screen lit up.
James took another shot.
He dwindled on should he answer it or not.  He pressed "dismissed ".James clearly saw the name on screen, because he sighed heavily. Slamming his hand on the bar.

" Speak of the devil!! You're  fucking her ain't you?" He pointed at Charlie's phone.

Charlie was tired of lying about it regardless of how his girlfriend felt about telling him, he was going to tell him now. Just get it over with.

"We've been seeing each other for months now,  she felt you couldn't handle knowing it, maybe she's right. Better you hear from me than some article. " Charlie got up and started to walk away.  James chased after him outside.

"She has a history  you know? You're not that fucking speical .Our father hates her. So she goes around fuckin older men to replace feeling rejected by our Pop, she's got daddy issues. She's everyone's cum dumpster. She's fucked up. 
But you're not any better , you're using her like the SLUT she is for your ego. Because your having mid life crisis!!"

Charlie took James by the of his shirt and slammed him against the bricked wall in the alley. A groan of pain came from James.

"You don't ever call her that!! " he snapped at him slamming him against the once more.  "EVER!!!"
Charlie kept his hands gripped around his collar.

James got on his toes and planted a kiss on his lips, running his fingers threw Charlie's hair. He Immediately let go of Olivia's brother and backed away.  He in no way kissed him back.  In utter shock he shook his head in dismay.


"I'm --I'm fuckin gay okay!!  I've been hiding it for years, I like you ...ALOT. I thought you like6 me back,  I thought you were bisexual  at least! You wear cardigans and work on Broadway for Christ sakes." James stammered. 

"No, I'm straight James. I'm not judging you,  but I don't feel anything for you like that.  You're like a brother to me. What the fuck???" Charlie explained backing up,  still confused of what just happened.

James looked around to see if anyone had seen.  In such a busy area, no one noticed.

"Look, my family can't know about this. Just forget this happened.  Have my sister, don't care."He took off embrassed,  holding his head down an not looking back.

The phone rung in his pocket,  he took it and finally answered the call .

"Why didn't you answer the phone goofy? GUESS WHO got a holiday bonus?   ME, I bought a plane ticket for 4 days to come see you!!" Olivia squealed.  She waited for a reply. A peep. ANYTHING.  The silence was killing her , unsure what was wrong.

He finally spoke " Your brother just came onto me, he fucking kissed me Olivia! He's gay!"

By the time she was able to land  in N.Y.  James had went back to New Mexico to see his parents. To live a double life. as the "Favorite child who lived a righteous life in the eyes or their parents. "

Olivia wasn't judging him at all. Their parents would have a mental breakdown if they knew his sexuality . Disown him so quickly.  She wanted to talk to her brother.  Face to face about everything, about his complex feelings for Charlie.  About what he was hiding and it was going to be okay

Even after all the horrible things he says about her.  She keeps trying.

She left a voice-mail .
"Hey. Please give me a call back, I'm here for you, no matter what. I know you want to talk to someone about it,  give me a call soon".

She hung up the phone and turned to Charlie. He was on the couch, hand over his mouth like he wanted to say something.  At this point he wasn't going hold back anything.  The shit James had said about her "history" was eating away at him.  Was she thinking of her dad every time they had sex? 

"Sweetheart,  how many older men have you done this with ? " He asked,  he looked hurt. His eye slightly red.

"What are you going on about,  what did he tell you?"  She walked over to him and tried to hold his hand. He moved his hand away, being cold towards her.

"He basically said you have a daddy kink and your using me to in place of your." he said seriously. 

She rolled her neck and crossed her arm.  
"I became a part of your son's life,  I asked you to become my boyfriend,  I just spent 800 dollars on a non stop flight to see you for Christmas.  Sure . I have a kink but you're really going to ask if I'm using you, for some sexual gravitation? How dare you? " She said hurt,  tears ran down her face.

She took the sleeve of her shirt, wiping them away. Turning away from him she unlocked her phone and started typing and searching for a hotel and a Uber.  Wanting nothing to do with him tonight.  Maybe he'd get his head out if ass in the morning after he spends the night alone.

Standing up from the couch he walked up behind her  looking over her shoulder.  Saw she was looking into a hotel and Uber

"Please,  don't go... " he plead.
"Why should I stay though? .."

He wrapped his arms under her breast . Nuzzled his face into her neck.

"You're everything I've wanted in a partner, stay cause I'm sorry for being a dick,  stay beause I love you. "

She turned turned her head and gave him a glare. Her eyes locked on his face.
"Don't say that if you don't mean it.." she said crossed. Hearing that old line from past relationships.

They had never exchanged those words words before. Agreeing they wouldn't say it until they truly meant it.
" I mean it, I love you. "

She had held off those words so hard until now .

"I love you, daddy ." She said teasing him about the situation that just happened. Turning around, giving him a deepened kiss. 

"Tell me that in the bedroom...."

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