Christmas Eve.

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I not own Monopoly or Billie Holiday's music.

Christmas Eve.

The day of the theater dinner.

Snow had feel early in the morning while all the New Yorkers were asleep.

It was noon, and Charlie and Olivia were just coming to.  Stretching the legs in bed.

Olivia's eyes were fixated on the window , frosted over, watching snow flurries fall.

Her breathing hitched. But not because the cold. Her panties still off from last nights sexual rondevu ,Charlie was rubbing her clit in a small circular motion , he took his time playing with her, slowly inserting his large finger in and out of her.  Her legs buckled, crossing them a bit,  when he found her g spot.  Her face turned into the pillow, muffiling her own moan.

"Uncross those legs for Daddy. Open them wide for me. All fours. " he said in her ear, her face still pressed in the pillow.  She could feel his cock rubbing against her ass. He presses it between her ass cheeks, stroking himself.

The name "Daddy " had made her obedient . Feeling the need to please him,  proof herself to him, be his baby girl.  She repositioned herself,  he went to the edge of his bed.

He signaled her to come towards him.  Her on all fours,  backing her rear end into him.  She swayed her ass left to right sensually, looking back .

His phone rang, still on the charger. He went to the night stand,  looking down at the screen . He unplugged the phone and took the call.

"Hello?"....yes...I'm not busy, I can talk." He said, that exact moment he finished that sentence.  She turned over , to lay down on her side. Watching him pull up his boxers and leave the room, going for his study.
Charlie  opened his laptop at his desk. Opening up his emails while on the phone. 

It was Christmas Eve  and some how he was conducting  business with someone.

Olivia was already frustrated with her brother not contacting her back.  Now,  Charlie was spell bound  by something else during her very expensive visit.

Olivia came In his study , leaning against the door frame.  Immediately displeased how he put his finger our to hush her. She hadn't even said a word yet. Wasn't even thinking of it until he did that number.

Just wanted to get a good look of how he could be so self absorbed an a workaholic.  She heard him mentioned the words "grant" and "cost of equipment. "

" I guess I'll get ready to see your friends for dinner."
She said  ingoring his little signal he orchestrated.

He turned the rolley chair backside towards her and continued the conversation with the man on the phone.

She sighed heavily,  trying not to let anything get under her skin.

But things definitely did.  When he had gotten off the phone,  he seemed to have gotten stressed out. Which resulted in him going out for numerous smoke breaks. Giving her the silent treatment .
Then, randomly he decided to  cartigue the way she did dressed for the event tonight.

He was disappointed when she straightened her hair and wore it up. Instead of her usual loose curls down.  She wore a pants suit but he insisted  a dress would be more flattering on her . 

This resulted in her yelling " You're not going to get me to fucking change!!" slamming the bathroom door in his face. Him saying that brought back memories of ex fiance,  Ray. Who used to be a regular guy until they were engaged . He became a complete control freak. Someone who wouldn't  let her see her friends. Couldn't pick out her own clothing. She was afaird she woukd end up in that situation again.

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