~Chapter 28~

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Raven's Pov

A couple weeks later...

I walk out of the exam room feeling more drained than I've ever been. Math has never been a strong subject of mine, but it is what it is. I'm just thankful that it was the last exam for the rest of the school year.

These past couple of weeks has been nothing short of a disaster, if not brutal. Since the misunderstanding that happened between Lucian and I, things haven't been the same. For anyone. I'm now the laughing stock of the school, and at first I could've cared less about what anyone wanted to think, but since letting Seth walk out of my life that day, I didn't have the strength in me to be brave about anything anymore.

What's the point?

Sure, I was angry at him for the secrets he kept from me, but talking to Brenna made me realise that he did it to protect me, even if he didn't know it back then. And who am I to play God? I'm no stranger to keeping secrets, especially, the one regarding my new job when I graduate hanging over my head like a dark cloud.

But I'd be lying my ass off if I said I didn't miss him. Especially now, when I'm being treated like I have a disease by everyone, except for Brenna. Even Naomi seems to be avoiding provoking me. At first it was weird seeing her pass me in the halls without a snarky comment, or some trick up her sleep, but I guess she doesn't have to associate herself with me anymore since Seth is no longer mine. The thought sends a painful pang to my chest.

"You heading home?" I nod, not having to turn to see that it's Brenna. "You wanna hang out with me for a while? It's the last day of school until New Years, we should do something together."

I shake my head, "No thanks. I've got some stuff I got to do at home." I said, staring at Seth leaning against his car.


I hear her heave a frustrated breath, and I turn to come up with more excuses, but she shocks me with what she says next. "I swear, you and Seth are the dumbest people I know."


"Do I need to spell it out for you?" She rolls her eyes, looking even more agitated. "Why can't you guys kiss and make up already? He's clearly miserable without you, and trust me, hon, you're not any better." I grimace at her words. Brenna certainly doesn't hold back any punches.

I look back over at Seth. He does look devilish, with a certain gloom surrounding him, but what am I supposed to do? He lied to me, knowing that I was in danger and did nothing to stop it, but despite all that, he gave us a chance and decided to be with me.

I'm so fucking confused, it's making my head hurt.

"It's not as easy as you make it out to be." We haven't talked to each other in weeks, and he hasn't tried to reach out to me either. "It's best we leave things the way they are." My tongue feels like lead as the words pass through my lips. It hurts, but maybe it's for the best. What's the point of getting in a relationship now when I don't have a future with him anyway? He has so much to look forward to. Who am I to stop him from achieving his goals with my kind of baggage?

He'll go to college, probably find a nice girl he'll fall in love with, and marry her with a bunch of kids not too far on the way...

The thought makes me feel even more depressed.

"Do you hear yourself?" Brenna's voice is low, but there's no mistaking her unrestrained anger. "It's frustrating watching two people who obviously love each other go through all this bullshit." I stare at her shocked. Love? Seth and me? No fucking way. There is no place for love in this world for me. Has she forgotten what's at stake here?

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