~Chapter 7~

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^^Amalia Van-Kerr is up^^


I groan, rolling over in my bed as the sun rays shine through my bedroom windows. My head feels like its been pounded with a hammer, my back aches, and for some unknown reason my jaw hurts like a bitch. It's definitely not my morning.

I get up with the urge to vomit, and pull the sheets back only to see that I was in the same clothes from last night. Last night... I close my eyes as my head pounds, an image of me dancing flashes in my mind, then another one with me against a wall with Amalia lips on mine and her hands up my dress.

"Shit," I groan, getting up and head straight for the bathroom. I can't believe I kissed Amalia fucking Van-Kerr. I shake my head at myself, the waves of embarrassment hitting me like a ton of bricks. I don't know what scared me more, the part where I kissed her or the part where I was going to let her finger fuck me in a club full of people. "I am never drinking that much again," I said, staring at my reflection in the bathroom mirror in disgust. I look like shit.

I turn away, not wanting to see myself anymore, and gingerly take my clothes off before hopping in the shower. I scrub my body till my skin turned red, hoping the water would wash away the memories of Amalia's hands on my body. I shuddered when I thought of what could have happened if Seth hadn't come in time.


I gasp, holding my head as another memory of last night resurfaced. Specifically, the one with Seth's dick in my mouth.



After my mini melt down session in the bathroom, with me nearly slipping a disc due to hyperventilating, I took two Advil's, ate some cereal and called it a day. Embarrassed couldn't even begin to cover how I'm feeling right now. I'm mortified that I would even do that. And the worst part is, he didn't even ask me to do it.

But he didn't try to stop you. He enjoyed it just as much as you did.

Well, I enjoyed it, I don't know if he did. But that's not the point. What if Naomi finds out? She'd skin me alive. Everyone knows that Seth belongs to her.

Technically, their not together. She just doesn't want anyone to have him because she can't. Besides, how will she find out? The only way for that to happen is if you or Seth tell her, and I highly doubt he will.

True...but how am I going to face Seth on Monday? I'm not so worried about the kissing Amalia thing, I doubt she'll even remember anything from how drunk she was. Seth, however, was not. And I don't think I can sit with him at lunch like I didn't try to suck the life out of him.

That's a 'you' problem.

The door bell rings, jolting me out of my internal monologue. Could it be Seth? Did Naomi find out? My heart pounds in my chest of the thought of Naomi finding out. I'm already in a more than confusing situation with the girl, I don't want to add more drama to my already overflowing plate.

Shouldn't have sucked his dick then.

I roll my eyes at my self, knowing full well that as much as the thought of Naomi finding out has me shaking a little, I don't regret a thing. I inhale a shaky breath and open the door. All of my worries instantly dissipated when I saw who was at the door.

"Brenna?" I said, with a confused smile. Should I be worried she knows where I live? Probably not, considering she's friends with Naomi. She smiles back at me, wringing her hands in front of her.

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