~Chapter 35~

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Two months later...

Every hallway is decorated in white and gold banners. Posters, with cut out portions of magazines about young love and soul mates, were all over the walls and on the big Notice Board at the entrance of the school. Tables filled with boxes of decorations still left to put up from the students who all volunteered, were set to the side for anyone who had an interest in helping to put some spirit in for the crazy week ahead.

Shit is crazy, but that is to be expected. After all, it was a week before Prom.

You could feel the excitement in the air from everyone. I, on the other hand, could care less. Before the shit show my life seem to turn into, I told myself that I would rather stay at home and watch Netflix with a nice, huge, chocolate desert. I already knew that Ciana wasn't going to share that enthusiasm. She was too much of a social butterfly to ever want to stay home on Prom night. Even with me—her isolated, plain, so-called best friend.

But to me, it was more appealing than going to some superficial dance with some guy who thought he was going to get lucky by the end of the night in the back seat of his car, or at a grimy hotel he booked for the night.

Now, it was much more than that. I had someone who love me the way I love him, and wouldn't mind sharing that with me. Albeit, it would be a bit dull and unexciting with dancing our asses off alone without the super cool things the Prom committee had planed for the night. But it would be worth it. Seth is fucking worth it. 

The joy, anticipation and anxiety was setting everyone on edge, especially with the ballets out for the nomination of Prom King and Queen. Girls huddled together, whispering about the guy they wanted with poorly concealed interest. Glossy lips, pounds of makeup, and an entirely new outfit was showcased everyday for the girls who thought their boyfriend or crush was going to do something outrageous to ask them to Prom.

I was angry and jealous, because everyone of these bitches thought they had a chance with my man. Especially Naomi.

Not making our relationship known for the past two months has been hard. Watching girls flirt with him, touch him, try to push up on him brought me to my limits. He had to go with it of course if we wanted everyone to believe our fire burned out a long time ago. And the sad part is, it's all my fault. I gave those girls a reason to think that they had a chance. Albeit, a small one, but still.

No one would dare try that shit when Naomi clearly made it known that he belonged to her. It should have been the end. But because I, the lowly, ugly duckling somehow snagged the most popular guy in school from under Naomi's belt, it was now a confidence boost to the girls who thought they could never stand up to the Queen. Period.

When you look at it, I motivated those girls in believing in themselves and giving them the fierce confidence in going after what they want, AND standing up to someone everyone feared.

Life is that crazy sometimes.

I walk out of the cafeteria. Having seen enough of the girls crowded around both Seth and Everett. Brenna wasn't having it though, and her presence alone kept the girls on edge, if their fidgeting and skittering eyes was anything to go by. I wish I could do that too. State my claim. Touch him. Let them know he's mine.

The rest of the day was a drag. I texted Seth that I wouldn't be able to wait for him after school. We created a routine to see each other after school when most of the students were gone. Seth thought it was risky, but my heart couldn't take seeing all those girls frolicking around him like moths to a flame all day. I had to have some time with him, even if for a couple of minutes.

Today, however, I felt too tired. I just wanted sleep, and some home cooked meal. I didn’t follow through, though.

I sit on the couch, eating some microwaved food that I found in the fridge. I forgo cooking something to eat. Call me lazy, but the stress is real. I sighed. I'm regretting not waiting on Seth after school now. The quietness of this big house is stifling.

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