~Chapter 33~

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Mr. Muller steps fully into the room. His tall form was dressed to impress in a three piece Armani suit, which again, I thought was ridiculous for the weather. Suzan's eyes lit up, and she literally runs over to him in excitement. He gives her a passionate kiss on the lips that I thought was little too inappropriately shared in front of company.

Seth becomes rigid beside me, and I was damn near sweating from the anger rolling off him in waves. The air quickly turns thick with tension, as Seth and his father lock eyes. His father offers a small smile, but Seth continues to stare at him with contempt. Fiona tries to break the suffocating tense-filled air.

"Anyone up to play charades?"

It didn’t work. If anything, Suzan, Fiona and I seem to be holding our breath to what might happen next. I place my hands on Seth's chest, trying to give him the support he needed. "Hey, come back to me." It felt like forever before he seem to snap him out of the stare down with his father. He looks down at me and gives me a blank look. "Let’s go to our room," he mummers lowly.

He takes my hand and pulls me with him. We might of taken three steps before his father's deep, baritone voice stops us in our tracks. "And who's this?"

"His girlfriend." Suzan answers in her snippy tone. Way too smug.

I turn, seeing the look in her eyes. The steely, cold look actually made me shiver.

"Oh. Well, what's your name, girl?"

I bite my tongue. Hard. Refraining from telling him off from his strident, mocking tone. I count to five before answering. His eyes widen a little, before he looks down at his wife with a look that spoke volumes.

Shit! He knows. He fucking knows.

"Is your mother by any chance, Christina Abner?"

I know I've already dug my grave when I replied with a small, nervous, "Yes." Mr. Muller stares at me for what felt like forever. I shift awkwardly on my feet, as he scrutinises me from head to toe. Seth looks from his father to me, and then back again. The confusion in his eyes made me feel even worse.

"You're one brave girl, Raven." He walks closer, stopping just a few feet away. "You have some fucking nerve being here with my son when you're Dimitri's property."

I grit my teeth. "Dimitri doesn't own me."

"Oh?" He chuckles, then looks from Seth to me again. "I can see you haven't told my boy the truth."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" We both turn to the deathly tone of Seth's voice. Tears start falling from my eyes, giving way to the suffocating guilt eating me up inside.

Mr. Muller takes out a cigarette, and lights it. "Your pretty girlfriend here is—"


That one word was all I had to offer. Mr. Muller simply looks at me blankly. I could see it in his eyes. See that he wasn't going to keep quiet on my behalf. I don't owe you a damn thing, his eyes seem to say. I cry harder.

"She's one of the main girls set to start working for Dimitri in a few months."

We all knew what that meant. I was either going to be a prostitute, drugged out bitch, or a stripper—and that’s if I was lucky.

"W-What..." I could hear it in his voice. The betrayal he felt at that moment. But I needed him to understand that I had no choice. And neither does he.

"I'm sorry for keeping it from you, but I had no choice!"

"You could have told me," he growled, pounding his chest, as if it physically pains him to think I couldn't trust him.

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