~Chapter 8~

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^^Up top is Lucian Blackwood^^


After Brenna dropped that big bomb on me and left, I took a moment or two to cry and wallow in self pity, then after talking myself into pulling up my big girl panties, I grabbed my laptop and researched anything I could find about Dimitri Luciano.

And so far, I've found nothing concrete. All I know is, he has several businesses all around the world---restaurants, shops, music studios, clubs etc. His father, Osvaldo Luciano, was the CEO of ODL Holdings, a huge digital manufacturing company, which, was said to be involved with the IOC (Italian Organized Crime), and the Cosa Nostra, a US criminal organization related to the mafia. It was never really proven if his father was indeed involved, and he died at the age of fifty-three of a heart attack when Dimitri was just fourteen years old.

Dimitri then took over his father's company, and other businesses at the young age of twenty-two, when he was fresh out of the college, with a bachelor degree in Arts and Media design. He was valedictorian, played football and was student body president. When his father company was given to him, within six months he scored a major deal with another digital company, profiting from approximately Sixty-seven billion dollars.

All in all, the guy is stinking rich.

Which leads me to question how Naomi knew him. I know she's rich, but this guy is a billionaire, possibly a trillionaire, and he's twice our age. Is Naomi involved in the possible mafia? Was she recruited by him? Maybe her parents do business with him and they were introduced at a family dinner? I groaned holding my head, all this thinking was gonna give me a migraine.

I'm no closer in finding out about Dimitri Luciano than I was three hours ago. Nothing states his relations to the Archer family, who are big in the fashion and marketing industry. I even searched through the images provided, and all I can say is Dimitri Luciano was very handsome before he got that awful scar across his face. I haven't read or seen anything on how he got that scar, which leads me to believe that there really is something going on that I clearly don't know about.

Google had failed.

I sigh, closing my laptop, giving up on finding out more about the mystery that is Dimitri Luciano and what exactly this billionaire wants with plain ole me. There's only one person who can help me fill in the blanks, and I'm not too eager on wasting a perfectly good Saturday for a history lesson from my least favorite person.


"Raven! Are you here?" My brows furrow in confusion when I hear my mom's voice. I look at the time to see that it was 4 going on 5 in the evening. She's usually not back home this early, besides, the last time we spoke was two months ago, when she told me she was going on a 'business trip', which was code word for, I'm-going-away-for-half-the-year-and-won't-be-back-till-the-new-one.

"Raven, I know your here!" I sigh, pausing '365 DAYS' on Netflix, getting up from the comfortable position on my bed, and make my way downstairs to see what she wants.

The relationship between my mom and I, isn't the best. I was a full pledged daddy's girl up until three years ago, when my dad died of lung cancer. Even when he was alive, my mom and I weren't close. She was never home, and it wasn't because she was a dedicated mom and wife working hard for the family. My father had to work three jobs just to keep the roof over our heads, and to keep up with the lavish lifestyle my mom always wanted, to which, I resented her for.

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