Chapter 5

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​I was so smitten with Mike, I couldn't even fall asleep last night. My heart was beating out of my chest and I couldn't help but smile and laugh to myself all the time. Since New Year's Eve had come to a close, I didn't have much of an idea as to what I was gonna do for the rest of my time here in Ottawa. I woke up and prepared myself for the day. I was just gonna go and get coffee and figure it out from but that idea went out the window. I heard a knock at the door, and when I opened it a hotel attendant was there with a package.
​"Good morning, Ms. Underwood. Mr. fisher ask that this be delivered to you today and that you wear whatever contents are in the package. He also asked that you be ready by 9:30. He will be picking you up from the hotel for the day." I was so taken back I couldn't even concentrate as to what the hotel attendant was saying.
​"Alright, thank you" I replied back, curtly. The package delivered to me was huge. "What could be in here that I would actually need for the day?" I said to my self. In it, I found a pair of riding boots, a warm flannel shit, and a very heavy warm down jacket. Alright, so clearly we would be spending the day outside; but why? It was the beginning of January. I heard my phone start to buzz on the counter, and realized Mike texted me.
​"Hello, gorgeous I'm outside of the hotel and waiting for you so come down when you're ready." Within the next few minutes, I was making my way down the hall of the hotel and out the front door. I opened the door to Mike's truck and greeted him so sweetly.
​"Good morning, my beautiful, hot hockey player" I said, as I planted a kiss on his lips.
​"Well, good morning to you too! You look gorgeous in those boots and jacket" he said. "I can't wait for you to see what I have in store for you today!" I was so excited to see what he had planned for today. When we started driving, we started passing through more rural areas with farms, and ranches on them. It was so beautiful, but I was so confused as to what we could be doing out here.
​"Mike, where are we going?" I asked him, with a confused look on my face.
​"Well, it's a surprise but if I told you then it wouldn't be a surprise" he said with a smile on his face. He slid his hand over onto where I was sitting in the passengers seat and put his hand on my knee. I could just look at him and he would know; he would know that I loved the way that he would touch me and how he touch would make me feel like I had come alive. Mike eventually made a turn off the highway onto some back road. Up ahead lay a huge farm with a fence beginning where he made his initial turn. The car eventually came to a stop, and Mike came around and opened my door. I hopped out of the car and he grabbed my hand and walked hand in hand with me into a stable of horses.
​"So, I know you told me how much you love animals, especially cows, so I decided to take you here today so we could go horseback riding through the woods" he told me. I felt my heart melt because he knew what made me happy.
​"Thank you, Mike so much! Now I call dibs on that white horse over there!" We saddled up the horses, and covered them up to keep them from getting cold. We were about halfway through the trail when it started to snow on us. I turned to look a Mike and laughed. It was just so breathtakingly beautiful and really showed the beauty in nature and God's glory. We eventually made our way back to the stable full of horses, but Mike had even more planned for our day. We hopped back in his truck and we drove to this big house in the woods on hill. It was so beautiful.
​"Welcome home" he said to me.
​"Wait, you live here!?" I asked. It turned out that Mike lived in this house and had bought it a few years back. I walked in to the kitchen to check out the beautiful countertops, when I felt Mike walking up behind me, putting his arms around my waist, and kissing me on the cheek. I turned around and hooked my arms around his neck and returned the kiss, but only to kiss him on his lips. I seriously felt like I could go on and kiss this man forever and ever. Everything around us seemed to stop in time and that Mike and I were the only two people in the moment. Mike ended up cooking dinner for me that night and I wasn't going to be picky about it, as long as it was something vegetarian. Mike actually ended up surprising me with his cooking skills. We eventually moved to the living room where Mike had started a fire in the fireplace and we just snuggled on the couch with some warm blankets and red wine. I put my back up against Mike's chest and let him hold me and kiss the top of my head; I really didn't want this night to end and I certainly didn't want to leave Mike again, but tomorrow was right around the corner and I had to fly back to the states to start the second leg of my Play On tour. My time with Mike and come and gone so fast, and I didn't want to leave him.

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