Chapter 47

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It was a weird feeling knowing that summer was about to come to a close and that I had so many amazing and wonderful things going on in my life. Both Reagan and Charlie were about to turn 6 months old, my new album "Blown Away" was finally released this summer and the "Blown Away" tour was about to kickoff. I had been rehearsing all summer long and I'm not going to lie, balancing rehearsals with two babies was tough but on top of that I had to still give enough attention to Mike. Mike was going back in to training to prepare for his hockey season so most of the time I took the girls to work with me. We eventually hired a caretaker, Keira, seeing which we though was the best option for us so we wouldn't be as stressed. We hired her at the beginning of the summer and gave her a place to stay in the house so that she was there essentially at all times. Although she was the caretaker, at times it felt like she was kinda like a personal assistant for me. Today we had our last day of dress rehearsals in Nashville, which meant it would be a while till I saw Mike again which always made me so sad.

"Alright, so I'm gonna need you to make sure the play pen is set up for the girls" I said to Keira; "I just wanna get them settled before we kick off and run through this." I obliged and immediately started unloading the car and bringing things in to Bridgestone Arena. Once the girls were settled, I was able to finally situate myself and start running through the setlist. I felt that this tour was about to be the best one yet but there was so much to it that I was afraid something could go wrong. By the time I got home from rehearsals, Mike was already back and had dinner cooked for me. I walked in with little Reagan in my hands, and walked over to Mike planting a sweet kiss on his lips. "Hey babe, thanks so much for doing this for me" I said, situating Reagan in the high chair while Charlie was already in hers. "Keira, I think Mike and I can take it from here so you can take the rest of the night off." Mike and I eventually fed the girls, and I tried to feed myself at the same time but it wasn't working. Eventually, the girls ended up finishing to eat before I did so Mike took them to their play area and played with them. When I finished eating dinner I joined my family in the play area. I picked little Charlie up and started tossing her up in the air gently, making funny faces at her and she clearly was enjoying it since she was smiling right at me.

"Hey Care, you need to see this now!" Mike said yelling at me. I stopped tossing Reagan up in the air, and looked to see what was happening. Charlie was starting to move herself across the floor. She wasn't able to crawl yet but she was using her arms and legs to try and push her across the floor. I grabbed my phone and quickly videoed Reagan and uploaded it to instagram. She was so close to crawling that I had a feeling it was bound to happen soon.

"And what about you, Charlie?" I said in a baby voice to her, tickling her sides, "can you do what your sister just did?" I asked rubbing my nose against her tiny nose. After watching Reagan's every attempt to crawl for a while that night, we gave both the girls a bath and put them down to sleep however, they were being really fussy so clearly I had to sing to them that night. The girls eventually drifted off but Mike was still wide awake, and I was ready to pass out. I went right to bed after putting the girls to sleep, but I woke up when Mike came to join me in bed. I was having such difficulty sleeping that night because I was freaking out just from the thought of the new tour starting. I kept waking up every hour on the hour, and by 3 a.m. I had had enough. I tapped Mike on the shoulder and he barely budged. "Hey babe, you awake?" I asked.

"Mhm, what is it babe?" he said turning to me.

"I just can't sleep, I'm freaking out about the new tour that I'm gonna be so overwhelmed especially taking the girls out on tour with me. Like I'm taking two baby girls and you're gonna be back here training."

"Babe, you just gotta relax and take deep breaths; take one thing at a time. Try it with me." He started inhaling and exhaling and I was still a nervous wreck and couldn't take my mind off of it.

"Ok this isn't working for me" I said abruptly.

"Ok, so get up and come with me then" he said. We walked down the stairs and into the backyard. We laid down next to each other on the grass holding hands star gazing. "Just look at the stars, and the sky and how peaceful it is. Think of the amazing world that the Good Lord created and that you're part of it. How great thou art, Carrie" he said to me. I started to get teary eyed, and broke my focus from the stars and the sky and turned my head to look at him but he wasn't looking at me.

"Well, look at how great thou art, Mr. Fisher" I said to Mike climbing on top of him giving him a kiss on the lips. His arms came around my lower back as he sat up.

"Well, now that we know how relaxed you are, it's time for you to have some fun" he said, slyly. He picked me up and started running towards the pool.

"Michael Fisher, don't you dare!" I yelled. He didn't stop he ran into towards the pool and jumped right in with me. "Michael Andrew Fisher, I cannot believe you just did that but I am feeling so much better right now, especially being here, in your arms" I said kissing him passionately on the lips, wraping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He reciprocated the kiss and I felt electrified; the feeling that I loved feeling from being with my incredibly beautiful and faithful husband.

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