Chapter 38

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I woke up that morning to find half a dozen red roses and a note for me on Mike's pillow. I grabbed the roses and smelled them, and quickly read the note. "Carrie, yesterday was a reassurance to me of how much I truly love you and how alive you make me feel. I have just fallen head over heels in love with you since the first time I laid eyes on you. You're the most amazing person, wife and soon to be mother. Love you with all my heart." I got up out of bed to put on a tank top and shorts and found our clothes from last night just all over the bedroom floor. I put my hand up to my face where my index finger was under my nose and couldn't stop laughing. Clearly we knew that we were enjoying ourselves even while I'm pregnant. Mike was already downstairs sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee and his newspaper in hand. I walked over to him and leaned in, giving him a kiss on the cheek, "Morning, babe. The note and roses were so beautiful. I love you so much. What are your plans for the day?" I asked him.

"I've got a team meeting today and then we have the game tonight so I probably wont see you till gametime tonight" he said. "Sorry, babe." I knew he was gonna have a busy schedule today so I had already made plans to spend the whole day with Ivey and then go to the game with her.

"Alright, well I made plans to spend the day with Ivey so I'm going to meet up with her in another 2 hours and then we're gonna come to the game tonight" I said, pouring myself a cup of black coffee. Mike got up a few minutes later, put his dishes in the sink and started making his way to the door to head out. He stopped in his tracks and kissed me on top of the head before leaving. Once I finished breakfast, I put my dishes in the sink leaving Mike downstairs to read the paper and watch his morning sports. I entered my room and started primping myself for today; brushing my teeth, moisturizing my face, the usual. I plugged my curling iron into the jack to start heating up while I went to my closet to start figuring out what I was going to wear for today. After a few seconds of being in the closet, my stomach started to feel weird and I darted for the bathroom, getting on my knees and sticking my head in the toilet. Great, morning sickness. "Thanks, baby Fly" I said, as I pulled my hair up and back with my left hand while using my right hand to help me grasp the toilet to vomit. I heard Mike come in to the bathroom behind me, and felt sorry he had to see this. "Mike, get out, you don't wanna see this. It's not pretty" I said to him.

"You're right I don't wanna see this but it's part of the process and I want to be here for you every step of the way. Mike squatted down on the floor behind me and grabbing my hips to help readjust himself. He then pulled my hair back for me while I continued to vomit whatever was in my system. "So," Mike said, "I heard you blaming Fly for this one. I think you should apologize to the little one" he said laughing.

I turned to look at Mike giving him a look that he knows me all to well for giving. "Oh please, morning sickness is the worst. And why do they call it morning sickness if it hits you at EVERY hour of the day?" I protest. I didn't get a verbal response from him, but he kissed me on the back of my neck and my shoulder blades making me feel like this would be ok. I loved when he did that to me, and I had goosebumps running up and down my body from that. Clearly , it was from the hormones kicking in as well. I eventually finished vomiting 20 minutes later and finally felt like my normal self.

"You feeling better?" Mike asked, sounding concerned.

"Yeah, much better. Now come over here and pucker up" I said and Mike started to run away from me, not wanting to kiss me after I had been throwing up for 20 minutes. I finally caught him, but I wasn't cruel enough to kiss him. I came up from behind and just held him, putting my cheek on his back, never letting go. I walked back in to the bathroom and could smell burning. Yup, I had left my curling iron running the entire 20 minutes. I eventually finished pampering myself and Ivey was pulling up on to the driveway by 11:30. Mike had already gone by the time Ivey had arrived to pick me up. We decided that we wanted to try something fun and to bake something new that Ivey had never baked before. We went berry picking to pick a lot of blackberries and when we got back to her house we made a lot of different things because we had so many berries. She even sent me home with a blackberry pie for Mike and I to share. Hopefully my hormones wouldn't kick in and that I wouldn't eat the whole thing. Ivey eventually dropped me off at home and I went upstairs to go and get ready for the game tonight. I had to be ready within less than an hour so I could go pick up Ivey and get to our seats without anyone bothering us. I put my jersey on, with the number 12 and Fisher written on the back and I was ready to go. I hopped into the car and made my way to Ivey's house. "You ready" I asked. She started to laugh and we made our way to Bridgestone, and when we arrived we made our way to the box without any trouble or difficulties. The first period was underway and the predators were already up 1-0, with Mike scoring the first goal of the night. Everyone including myself, cheered so loudly when he scored. The arena was so loud tonight, there were so many fans there too. I really wasn't feeling all that great; my head was starting to hurt, I was really tired and feeling dehydrated but I didn't want to leave Mike here. Fans were yelling in cheering all night long, it was so loud, I could barely take it. I searched through my purse to try and find some Advil or Tylenol but I couldn't find any. "Ivey, do you have any Advil or Tylenol? I've got a splitting headache."

"Yeah, let me check" Ivey said, "is everything ok?"

"I'm not feeling so great right now Ivey. I've got a splitting headache, I'm just really tired and dehydrated." A concerned look came across her face and she put the back of her hand up to my forehead. "Carrie, you're really warm. If you don't start feeling any better let me know and we'll leave. Near the end of the second period, the Preds were up 3-1 and I knew they were going to win. Ivey and I decided to leave early at the end of the second period because I just wasn't feeling any better. I gave the keys to Ivey and asked her to drive. I took my phone out and sent Mike a text so he knew I left. "Decided that I needed to go home. Not feeling so great tonight. Hope you ended up winning. Love you tons." I sat in the passengers seat and just slouched and let my head drop into the headrest. I needed to shut my eyes I was so tired and just not feeling well at all. I went upstairs and changed into my pjs and curled under the blankets, while Ivey sat downstairs and watched some tv while waiting for Mike to come home. Later on that night I felt someone come over to me and put their hand on the back of my forehead, but I didn't bother opening my eyes. I had a feeling it was Mike and when he kissed me on my forehead, my eyes shot open.

"Hey babe, how you feeling?" he asked sounding concerned.

"Honestly, I feel miserable. I have a splitting headache, I'm exhausted and dehydrated. I'm sure I'll be better in the morning once I have a goodnight's sleep" I said. Mike curled up under the covers next to me, put his arm around me and pulled me in to him, cuddling me like he did every night, kissing me on the temple and the back of the neck something I always enjoyed but tonight I didn't especially from feeling so sick. I turned to him and gave him a kiss on the lips, "I can't tonight. I feel so hot, like my body is burning up right now."

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