Chapter 25

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For me, winter is one of the most beautiful times of the year. Although I hated the freezing cold temperatures, I loved when the snow falls because it always looks so beautiful. That night, there was a light snowfall over the city and I was curled up in bed under the blankets with a glass of red wine. I clicked on the TV, and started flipping back and forth between the news and Mike's hockey game. As I was watching the news, the meteorologist came on the screen to announce the weather for the week. "It appears that a major snow storm is going to sweep through the Midwest and up through Canada" he said. "We are expecting to receive anywhere between 6-12 inches this weekend. "Crap," I thought to myself. I needed to get out of Nashville before this storm came so I could get up to Ottawa to see Mike. I quickly grabbed my phone from the bed and dialed Ann's number.

            "Hey, Ann. I need you to cancel any and all meetings that I had scheduled for tomorrow. I need to leave town a few days earlier to get up to Ottawa to see Mike. There's a huge snowstorm coming and I promised Mike I would come up to visit him this weekend." Well now that Ann was changing my flight to Ottawa I rushed over to my closet and started pulling out all of my warm winter clothes I would need for that weekend. I picked up the phone and texted Mike. "Hey babe. There's a major snowstorm coming this weekend. I was able to change my flight, so I'll be arriving in the late afternoon tomorrow. Can't wait to see you!" Within the hour I was able to pack my belongings up into a suitcase that I would need for that weekend in Ottawa. I awoke the next morning to a dark, gloomy, cloudy sky with flurries beginning to fall. My alarm clock went off at 6 am, and my flight was at 11. Finally I was going to see Mike again. I walked out of the house and the cold, blustery wind hit me across the face. The weather was below freezing temperatures, and if the weather in Ottawa was anything like this I was going to freeze to death. After being on the plane for what seemed like forever, I finally arrived in Ottawa. I was so anxious and excited to see Mike. I thought Mike would be waiting for me in the baggage claim area, but as I was making my way to the exit, Mike was entering the airport. I dropped everything I had, ran to him, and jumped into his arms.

            "I missed that" he said lightly kissing me on the lips.

            "And I missed you" I said giving him another kiss. Mike finally put me on the ground and intertwined his hands with mine and walked me to his car.

            "Ya know, Ace and Penny missed you too" I said as I climbed into his truck, with Ace sitting on my lap and Penny crawling across the dash to sit on Mike. Mike turned on the ignition and turned the audio controls on, and of course, Cowboy Casanova was blaring through the speakers in his car. "Are you kidding me?" I asked playfully while rolling my eyes jokingly, "Turn this off!" I said with a laugh.

            "Nope" he said looking at me and smiling; "He's a devil in disguise a snake with blue eyes..." he went on to sing, and I couldn't stop laughing because of how ridiculous he sounded.

            "You know this really makes me love you even more" I said with a laugh. Mike pulled up in to the driveway of his house and I let Ace and Penny out on the ground to go outside and play while I set my bags down in the bedroom. It was so beautiful out and there was so much snow on the ground and there was supposed to be even more snow coming tonight. I went downstairs to grab a glass of wine and to feed the dogs; hey hadn't eaten all day and it was suppertime for them.

            "Hey Care, when you get a chance grab your coat and warm clothing and meet me back down here when you can" Mike said to me. I was confused as to why I would need my winter clothes but I figured that we would probably be doing something outdoors or Mike would ask me to help him shovel. I met Mike downstairs in the foyer of the house and he opened the door for me. Mike grabbed my hand and told me to follow him. The snow was starting to fall, heavily, and off in the distance I could see a row of lights. There was so much snow and it was thick, so walking through it felt like a workout. On the trees there were lights strung along the trees with lanterns hanging from trees too. It looked so beautiful with the snow falling at night. Mike eventually led me into a roundabout in the woods that was glowing from lights and candles, and I could feel my heart beating extremely fast and I had butterflies in my stomach. My hands were in the pockets of my coat because my fingers were so cold, and Mike took my hands of out my pockets, held my hands in, looked me in the eyes and took a deep breath in.

            "Carrie..." he said. 

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