Chapter 6

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​I finally landed in Nashville, and arrive back home safely. I was happy to be in the comfort of my own home but I was missing Mike already so much. I was debating whether or not I should call/text him but I really didn't want to be that incredibly annoying girlfriend. I walked through the front door of my house and my phone starting vibing in my hand; I saw Mike's name and picture light up on my home screen.
​"Hey, babe" I said to Mike.
​"Hey, gorgeous. I just want to make sure that you arrived back home in Nashville safely" he said.
​"Don't worry, I just walked through my front door. I'm home safe and sound" I said with a smile coming across my face. I hung up the phone on him and set my bags down on the floor. I let Ace and Penny out of their crates and hooked them up to their leashes since they needed to go out for a walk. We started walking up the street and there was this random guy running behind us but wherever we would go, he would follow. On one hand it was kind of creepy but I didn't make anything of it since I thought he was just going for a run. When I returned home, I was so exhausted I didn't even want to unpack my suitcase so I passed out on the couch for about an hour or so. I woke up to my alarm going off and realized I had to get up to go to rehearsals. Tomorrow the second leg of the Play On tour would be kicking off at the Bridgestone Arena. I always loved performing in Nashville, especially at Bridgestone Arena. I finally arrived at Bridgestone, and the same guy that I saw running behind me while I was walking Ace and Penny was standing right across the street from the arena. Now I was starting to get creeped out.
​"What the heck?" I thought to myself. Why was this man starting to follow me everywhere I went.
​"Is everything alright?" Mark asked me when I walked through the building.
​"Yeah. I mean, well, not so much. I really miss Mike first of all and then I just got back a few hours ago and some random guy has been following me around lately and it's just kinda creeping me out right now" I said.
​"Oh, well we can always amp up security if we need too" he replied. I finally got back home and I was so exhausted from rehearsals and had so much to do, but really want to do anything at this point. I woke up the next morning to Penny and Ace licking my face and barking.
​"Alright babies, mama's coming to take you out, hold on!" I exclaimed to the dogs. I started on the same walk as we did everyday, or almost everyday, and the same man from yesterday was running the same trail that we were walking on. Ok, this is getting even freakier, but I just brushed it under the rug like nothing happened. I got back home, ate a small breakfast and got a quick workout in before I headed to the arena for tonight's show. On the way to the arena, my phone started to buzz and it was a text from Mike.
​"Hey baby, I just wanted to wish you good luck at tonight's show. You're going to be so beautiful and amazing out there; I wish I could be there with you tonight! I miss you." A big smile swept across my face and I couldn't get it off. I was so happy. I quickly responded to his text saying thank you and letting him know how much I missed him too. Halfway through the set, I saw the same man again that I saw who kept following me around. He made eye contact and winked at me; I was so disturbed by that. I was really missing Mike, and his text message from earlier today was really sinking in. I decided to text him, "Hey babe, I miss you so much! Couldn't stop thinking about you on stage tonight!" My phone buzzed against the counter top, and it was Mike, "I haven't stopped thinking about you since the moment I met you. I miss you, beautiful." My heart melted after reading that text. I was finally on my way out of the arena so I could go back home, and I saw the man from yesterday and today standing right there, crap!
​"Hey, Carrie! Great show tonight! You were so great, and looked so hot, especially with those dresses on" he said.
​"Thank you, now if you'll excuse me, I have some business I have to attend to" I said.
​"Oh, no, see I don't think I can do that" he responded. I looked at him, and he had a disgusting look on his face and my heart just stopped, I was in a parking lot all alone with this man scared for my life.

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