Chapter 35

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            "Oh... my... gosh..." I said looking at Ivey. She had a huge smile across her face and her eyes lit up so magically; "I can't believe this is happening." My heart was beating so fast, I couldn't believe that I was pregnant. When the test read positive my heart sank, this was such bad timing to bring a baby into this world, I didn't know what I was going to do about it.

"Aren't you so happy and excited!?" Ivey asked me excitedly. I wanted to say yes, but it was awful timing. But I really was excited I just had to figure out how I was going to tell Mike about the baby. I know how badly he wants kids and he wants more than 2.

"Well," I said letting out a little laugh, "at least we know why I've been feeling so sick lately."

"Have you figured out how you're gonna tell Mike yet?" Ivey asked.

"Not even a clue, so you're gonna help me figure it out" I said laughing again. I got up and went downstairs to get my laptop. I cam back to my room and Ivey was sitting on the bed waiting for me to come back so we could research out some ideas on how we could break the news to Mike. I wanted to be creative and wanted it to be funny but romantic at the same time. The only problem was that I'm the most uncreative person around.

"Why don't you make like a mini package/present for Mike with a whole bunch of stuff in it!? You can get some baby clothes and put them in a little bag or something and I guess put the pregnancy test in like a box or something" Ivey said. I gave her a weird look.

"You want me to give him a stick that I peed on? Isn't that a little gross?" I said with a laugh. I thought it was gross but the more I thought about it, the more it seemed like a good idea. I could just wrap it in a little box and put it in the package not a bad idea. I really need to think about what I was going to do but I had to get ready because I had a gynecologist appointment in another hour. I finally got out of bed for the day, curled my hair and put on some makeup and headed with Ivey to the doctors. Now that I knew that I was pregnant, my nerves had finally calmed down; now I just wanted to find out if it was a boy or a girl but I wouldn't know for another few months. All I knew is that I wanted a little girl, a little me running around our house. I finally arrived at the doctor's office, and filled out the necessary paperwork and documentation for my doctor. After waiting for around 15-20 minutes a nurse came out and called for me to come back.

"Carrie Underwood?" She said, "Dr. Nelson will see you now. You can just take a seat on the table top, she'll be in shortly." Ivey sat down in the chair right next to the table and she could tell I was getting nervous.

"Care, relax" she said, "the worst is over. You know you're pregnant this is just to verify your pregnancy." She was right the worst was over, and longest 9 months of my life were about to begin.

"Hi, Carrie Underwood?" a short, blonde woman asked.

"Yes, that's me" I said.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Nelson" she said. She went over some basic questions about my health, whether I drink or smoke and all that jazz. Following this she adjusted the table top and told me to lean back. She then put a cool gel on my stomach and started feeling around with the ultrasound machine to find the baby. "You see right there?" she said pointing to a small dot on the screen, "that's your baby right there" and a smile came across my face. A feeling of euphoria filled my heart and I was happier than ever. "Congratulations" she said to me. "Do you know how far along in your pregnancy you are?" she said.

"About a month, maybe" I said unsure.

"Actually, Carrie, you're about 2.5 months pregnant. You're due sometime around the middle of March. I'm going to write you some prescriptions for you to take, along with some pre-natal vitamins and what not." When I got back into Ivey's car I looked at her and took a deep breath.

"I really had no idea I was 2.5 months pregnant. Like, no clue at all" I said. On the drive back home, Ivey and I finally came up with a plan to break the news to Mike. I was so excited to break the news to Mike, my heart started to race and beat because I was so excited.

"You better tell me how he reacts" Ivey said to me.

"You know I will! I'm excited to see how he reacts because I know how badly he wants to have kids, and I'm carrying his baby!" I said all excitedly, hugging Ivey and getting out of her car. "Thanks again for coming over and going with me to the doctor's" I said.

"Not a problem!" she said and her car pulled off my driveway.

"Mike?" I yelled through the house; he still wasn't home when I got back home. I quickly gathered my belongings and got in my car. I dropped off my prescriptions at the drug store and headed to the mall. I had so many things to do and get in order to surprise Mike with the news before tonight's game. Once I finished my business at the mall I went back to the drug store to pick up my medications and any last minute things that I would need to break the news to Mike. When I got back home I set up the house and whatever I needed to in order to surprise Mike. I quickly changed into my Predators jersey for tonight's game and started cooking dinner for Mike so he could have something small to eat. I soon heard the front door open and knew Mike was finally home; my heart started to race faster and faster but I was so excited.

"Hey, babe" Mike said coming up behind me, putting his hands on my waist and kissing my cheek. "How was your day?" he asked.

"Oh just uneventful" I said, turning around to face him, looping my arms around his neck and giving him a kiss on the lips. "I'm excited for your game tonight" I said, "I'm already in my jersey too!"

"I know" he said, giving me a kiss on my lips, "I love when my girl wears her jersey with my name and number on her back" he said winking at me. Mike made his way to the table to sit down to eat, and was already making a mess at the table. "Hey babe, can I have a napkin to clean up this spill?"

"Yeah, just grab a baby wipe. It'll clean it up pretty well. We just don't have any napkins right now because the store ran out. I'm gonna go upstairs and watch some TV, let me know when your ready to leave" I called out as I walked up the stairs. A few moments later Mike came up the stairs to change for tonight's game; he opened the drawer where all his shirts were neatly folded and started searching frantically for his dress shirts.

"Hey, babe, is there a reason that my shirt drawer is filled with baby onesies?" he asked me.

"What?" I said laughing at him, "that cant be possible" continuing to laugh at him.

"Alright," he said turning to me, grabbing me and laughing at me, "fess up. What's going on?"

"Alright, alright" I said walking in to my closet, "wait a second." I walked out of my closet with a little yellow packaged bag with pink and blue ribbon tied around the handles. Mike started ripping the tissue paper out of the bag, the first thing he came across was a little box that you would find a bracelet in. In that box he found my pregnancy test.

"Tell me this isn't true" he said, his face lighting up.

"Keep going" I said, with a huge smile on my face. The next thing he pulled out of the bag was a mini envelope in it he found the sonogram from today's doctors appointment.

"Carrie... are we having a baby?" he said sounded excited.

"I don't know. Take one last look in the bag" I said. Mike then pulled out a little Predators onesie and a baby Predators jersey with the number 12 and the name Fisher on the back. "Mike..." I said, coyly, "we're having a baby! I'm 2.5 months pregnant!"

"Oh my gosh, Carrie! This is the most amazing news I've heard all day" he said picking me up and kissing me. I wrapped my arms and leg around his body like a little spider monkey. "I can't believe this is actually happening! You're going to be the most amazing mother" he said laying me down on the bed and laying on top of me. I put my hands on his face and looked him in the eyes.

"You're going to be the most amazing dad" I said kissing him, passionately on the lips. "I love you so much" I said giving him one last kiss.

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