Chapter 24

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I could hear my mom yelling mine and Mike's name to come and eat. It was finally Thanksgiving and the whole family had come together to celebrate. I pulled out my iPhone and tweeted "Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Have a blessed holiday with all your loved ones!" Mike sat down next to me and my dad at the dinner table, and we all said grace with each other, thanking God for everything he has given us. We went around the dinner table while we ate and said what we were thankful for.            

            "I want to thank the Good Lord for everything he has done in given me in my life. I'm thankful for an amazing and supporting family that loves me. I'm thankful for having a successful and flourishing career. Lastly, I'm thankful for Mike, who loves me unconditionally and accepts me for me." I looked at him and he grabbed my hand under the table and rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb. He always made me so happy, no one had ever made me feel this way before.

            "Aweeee, look at the love birds" my mom said as she caught us looking at each other. Her statement made us break out gaze with each other, and I gave her that "are you serious" look. She knew how happy I was and how much we truly loved each other. Thanksgiving was such a beautiful time of year, especially when we got to spend it with our loved ones however, Mike was flying out tomorrow morning to go back to Ottawa. He had a hockey game the following day, and unfortunately I wasn't going to make it however, I was going to visit Mike the following weekend. I was just praying that I would be able to make it because apparently Ottawa was supposed to get a lot of snow that weekend. It was that time of year when Oklahoma was starting to get freezing cold weather, and that night I had to add an extra blanket on top of the bed because the weather had dropped significantly that night. I got in to bed and snuggled up under the blankets that night with Ace and Penny. Mike was still awake drinking coffee and talking to my parents that night. I didn't fall asleep right away, and I could hear Mike talking to my parents telling them how much he loves me and that he thinks that he's found "the one." I was so happy to hear those words because I feel the exact same way about him. I eventually fell asleep but I could feel when Mike came in to bed; he came and snuggled up right behind me pulling me in to him with his arm around my body.

I pretended like I was still asleep and I felt Mike's face nuzzle up into my neck and ear. I tried so hard not to move with his scruff rubbing on my face, especially after Mike whispered into my ear, "I love you so much, more than you will ever know." He then kissed me on my temple and I felt a smile sweep across my face. I was going to sleep in the arms of the man that I loved more than life and I was so happy. Mike's alarm went off early in the morning; it was 6:30 a.m. when his phone started to beep loudly. I had woken up earlier than him and was already up making him pancakes and putting up a hot pot of coffee.

"Well, good morning sunshine" I said giving him a light kiss on the lips as he went to sit down at the table. Ugh, he smelled so good and looked so hot in his jeans and v-neck this morning. I walked over to Mike with a plate of pancakes and a hot cup of coffee. He looked so exhausted. "Can I get you anything else, babe?" I asked him as I brushed my hand through his hair.

"All I need is for my gorgeous girlfriend to sit down with me" he said with a smirk on his face. So I slid in between the table and Mike and sat on his lap. "Better?" I ask him. Mike's luggage was downstairs and I stood there not wanting him to leave.

"I'll see you in 10 days" I said looking up and smiling at him. I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him.

            "It's only 10 days away" he said, "I'm just a phone call or text away he said." He slid his hand into mine as I walked him to the car. "You know, you're really cute when you're in sweat pants without you're hair or makeup done" he said. I slid one of my hand onto his cheek and just hit it lightly a few times.

            "Awe," I said, "I think you're full of it" and I let out a laugh. Mike hopped into the driver's seat of the car and rolled down the window.

            "I'll see you soon babe" he said, "and don't forget if you're gonna cry don't worry, it's ok to cry." He smiled, and gave me one last kiss, that would sure hold me over for the next 10 days. The engine revved, and the next thing I knew the car was pulling away.    

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