Chapter 9

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“Don’t be scared, Carrie. I’m not gonna hurt you. At least not yet” the man said. I was so scared, I honestly didn’t know what to do. We were in a deserted parking lot and I could feel my body start to shake, and the adrenaline was pumping through my body. 

“I’m not scared” I said affirmatively, even though I really was. Oh my  gosh, what was I gonna do. He pulled out a gun from his coat pocket and told me to be quiet and follow him; if I didn’t he was going to hurt me in more ways than way. He guided me to a back alley near Bridgestone, but the alley was so far from Broadway that no one would be able to see or hear us at all. Now I was even more scared. 

“You know, you’re even more beautiful in person” he said as he got closer to me. He started nuzzling his face in the crevice of my neck and I could feel him breathing all over me, it was so incredibly disturbing. 

“You’re really making me feel uncomfortable” I said shakily to him, not that he even cared how he made me felt. 

“What did I say to you before?” he yelled at me. “I told you to be quiet or I’ll hurt you.” I instantly got quiet and my body started to tighten up. There was no one around to save me; I was helpless. I’ve never felt this feeling of helplessness before, and I didn’t like it. I felt his hand grab my hips and I tensed up even more, especially when he pulled me right in to his waist. I was trying to fight back the tears but I just saw my life flash right before my eyes and I couldn’t hold them back. I tried to imagine Mike being here but that made me cry even more. 

“If you’re going to cry do it silently” he said. “I don’t want to hear you cry while I enjoy this.” Oh god, I thought to myself. What could this man possibly want from me. Money? He started moving up from my neck and kissing me on the face and I would turn my head away from him to try to escape, but he would grab my head and hold it so he could kiss me. “Stay still, or you’re going to hate this even more!” he said. I was already hating this so how much more could I hate this. 

I soon saw a shadow come up behind the man; all I could think to myself was there’s two of them!? Dear god, please help me. The voice started to yell. The next thing I hear was “Carrie! Duck!” and I did I was told. I ducked and the man assaulting me in the alley turned his head to see who was behind him but he got punched in the face. He soon grabbed hold of the man and told me it was ok to come out of the dark. When I came out of the alley, I saw it was Jimmy from my band! 

“Oh my lord, Jimmy! You saved my life! How did you know!?” I asked excitedly. 

“After the show you looked kind of sick and I followed you out to make sure you were ok, but then I saw this creep drag you away as I was starting to pull out of the parking lot, so then I stopped my car and got out and went looking for you” he said. I don’t know how I would ever be able to repay him but I did. “You’re ok now, so just make sure you go straight home. I’ll wait here with this creep until the cops come.” 

I decided to stay with Jimmy until the cops came and arrested the man, so I was able to give him them my testimony. I felt safe knowing that the man was being arrested and put in jail. I finally returned home and I felt safe knowing I was back there, until I heard a knock on the door. I wasn’t expecting anybody to come by later tonight but I answered the door and standing there, was my gorgeous hockey playing boyfriend. 

“Mikey!” I squealed, and I jumped in to his arms. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and just started to kiss him, all over. I couldn’t stop because I was so happy to see him again, especially after everything that happened last night. “What are you doing here?” I asked him all excitedly. 

“Well, uh, Jimmy called me and told me what happened to you tonight. I wanted to come by to make sure you were ok, and to stay with you until you feel a little bit safer” he replied, putting me down on the floor and hugging me. 

“I feel safe with you, being in your arms right now” I said. “I’m just so tired right now from tonight, I rather talk about it tomorrow.” 

“I completely understand” he replied. “I’m going to stay with you as long as you want me to stay or as long as you need me he said.” 

“Mike, please feel free to stay as long as you want” I said, looking up at him. He picked me up again, with his arms picking me up from right below my rear. He carried me to my bedroom and plopped me down onto the back on my bed. He came and put all of himself on top of me and just kissed me, giving me little pecks and some long sweet kisses. It felt being so right with him, in his arms, kissing him like this and I wanted this to last forever. Eventually, we had had enough and we slipped under the covers of my bed, and I snuggled up to Mike with my back against the rest of his body, with his arms wrapped around me. I was so happy that he was here; I honestly couldn’t imagine my life without this man. He was perfect for me.  

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