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Storyline: Koji walks in on DK and Ellum kissing. The problem is that Daft and Dafter are dating

A/N-I do love Ellum and just thought this would be a cute storyline for a Koji and Steve thing

Koji walked through the Skeld looking for his boyfriend. He tugged the chain around his neck  as he couldn't find Ellum anywhere.

It was getting late and Koji didn't want to sleep without Ellum right now. His anxiety was acting up majorly and he needed his boyfriend.

He finally decided to go see if DK knew where Ellum was. They were vest friends and hung out a lot.

He knocked on the door and got no answer so he walked in. His heart stopped beating as he looked at the sight in front of him.

Ellum had DK pinned to the bed and they were kissing. Koji stood there for a moment and felt himself start to cry.

"E-Ellum?" He asked softly and both boys looked over. Koji took off away from the boy he trusted. The boy he loved. He ran into the back of electrical to try and hide.

He felt his wrist being grabbed and turned to see an out of breath Ellum. He jerked his wrist back, or tried to, and stared at Ellum.

"Koji, let me expl-" Ellum started to say but Koji pulled away.

"Leave me alone. I should never have trusted you," Koji said and Ellum cupped his face. He brushed the tears from Kojis cheeks and rested their foreheads together.

"Koji. Love. Can I talk?" He asked. Koji stared into Ellums eyes and nodded slowly. "Alright. It was a mistake. Ok?"

"Then why'd it happen?" Koji asked and heard his voice crack. Ellum held his waist tightly and  took a breath.

"I-I've had a lot of alcohol tonight. I'm tipsy and it was impulse and-"

"Ellum, can you just leave me alone?" Koji asked. Ellum pulled away from him and stared at the ground.

"I know, I get it. I'll be in our room. Goodnight love," he muttered and left. Koji pressed his back to the wires panel and slid down the wall.

He buried his face into knees and pulled them to his chest. He started to cry harder. His heart throbbed in his chest and he felt like he couldn't breath.

He heard footsteps and looked up. A figure came closer and he thought it was Ellum.

"Ellum, I said go away," Koji said, his voice breaking. Steve walked around the lights panel and ran to his friends side.

"Koji, bud, what happened?" He asked and knelt down. Koji brushed the tears on his cheek off and looked at the taller man.

"E-Ellum kissed DK. I don't wanna talk about it," he muttered. Steve took that as an answer and sat down next to him.

"Alright. Then we can just sit here in silence. Just know I'm not leaving until you smile," he said and put his arm around the bearded mans waist.

Koji leaned into his friend and they sat in silence for a few minutes. Steve didn't move and rubbed Kojis back slowly.

"Thanks Steve," Koji murmured and the taller man smiled.

"Of course. I'm here for a reason," he said and Koji gave him a small smile.

"There's the smile. Alright, come on. Bed," he said and helped Koji off the floor. Koji froze and stared at Steve before not moving. "What's wrong?"

"I share a room and bed with Ellum. I don't wanna....."

"Come with me back to my room," Steve said and held out his hand. Koji took it and entertained their hands.

"I'm gonna break up with him. I can't trust him after tonight," Koji said and Steve could hear his heart shatter.

He lead the boy back to his room and fell onto the bed. Koji stared for a moment.

"We'll just know that I'll be by your side the entire time," Steve said and pulled Koji to his chest. Koji cuddled up and closed his eyes.

Maybe being single wouldn't be as bad as he thought. Especially if Steve was next to him.

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