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Storyline: 5up has a high fever but doesn't listen when assigned bed rest, so Steve, his boyfriend, takes care of him. Only to wake up sick the next day

Requested by @trashdemon4life

5up woke up and he felt like shit. He wanted to throw up, he couldn't stop coughing and he was pale.

Steve placed his hand to the pink mans forehead and sighed.

"I'm gonna go get Scott alright? You're burning up," 5up groaned in response. If Scott came in then there was a good chance he was getting out on bed rest. He had things to do.

Smajor and Steve came back in and without even taking 5ups temperature the cyan man sighed.

"Yeah. Bedrest 5up," he ordered and left. Steve brushed the hair out of his boyfriends eyes.

"Sorry baby. I'll be back in a bit. Ok?" He asked and 5up nodded. He waited for two minutes before getting up and getting dressed.

"I have tasks to do, damn it," he muttered and stumbled out of his room. Quickly he went to the O2 room and emptied the trash there.

He started to do the leaves and leaned against the wall weakly. Steve walked in and froze. He ran over and grabbed 5up gently.

"Baby. What are you doing?" He asked softly. 5up looked up at him and groaned.

"I'm doing my tasks-" he started to say and started to cough. Steve groaned in annoyance at his boyfriend and scooped the smaller male up.

"No. You are going back to bed. And I'm staying with you," Steve said stubbornly. 5up squirmed in the taller mans arms, wanting to do his tasks.

"Steve!!" He whined and tried to move away. Steve kept the man in his arms bridal style.

"No baby. You need to rest. You have a fever," he whispered. Steve carried the smaller boy to their room.

He laid him down and sat next to him. 5up hummed weakly and grabbed Steve's arm.

"Please don't leave me then...." He whispered and Steve smiled. 5up was fighting the sleep that wanted to take him.

Steve could tell and he did something he rarely did with other people. He started to sing softly. He placed the smaller mans head in his lap and kept singing.

"Thanks Steve..." he mumbled and let himself sleep. Once he knew that the pink man was asleep he got up.

Steve walked into the cafeteria and walked over towards the kitchen area. Hafu was there and the was talking to the girls.

"Hey girls!" He greeted and grabbed some chicken noodle suit. He placed it in the microwave and grabbed some water.

"Is 5up still sick?" She asked and he nodded. Janet and Kimi left as Steve and Hafu started to talk.

"Yeah. I found him in O2, trying to do tasks," he explained. Hafu smiled and laughed softly.

"Sounds about right. Go take care of your boyfriend," she said and nudged him. Steve took the soup out of the microwave.

"I am Hafu," he said back in a sarcastic, teasing tone. Steve walked off and headed back to the room.

5up was sitting up with a confused expression on his face.

"Where'd you go?" He asked as Steve sat back down. Steve hummed again and made 5up lean back.

"Relax baby. I just went to go get some soup," he said and 5up nodded slowly. He wrinkled his nose as Steve handed him the soup.

"No food," he said and looked like he wanted to throw up.

"Just a few bites ok?" He asked softly and 5up nodded. He took one bit of the warm soup. Steve smiled and kissed his forehead.

5up liked that so he ate another bite. Steve hummed softly and smiled. 5up was happy with the praise he was getting.

Steve managed to convince the boy to eat the rest of the soup before cuddling up with him.

"I'll turn on the tv," he said and 5up nodded. He pressed his face into Steve's neck and fell asleep.

Steve fell asleep soon after his boyfriend.

When he woke up though he felt like shit. He groaned and held tightly to 5up.

"I think I'm sick 5...." He mumbled. 5up hummed softly and ran his fingers through his hair.

"I'm right here Steve. I'll go get Scott," he said softly. Steve finally let 5up go who came back with Scott.

"Yeah. A fever. Take care of him," Scott ordered and left.

5up smiled and rubbed Steve's back gently.

"I'm right here the entire time my love." 5up told him and stayed there for the rest of the time.

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