Boys sleepover(pt. 2)

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Storyline: the girls come back in the morning from their road trip and see the boys

Requested by @yeohwa_lol
Hafu was driving with Janet in the passenger seat. Kimi was in the back and they were singing along to Steve's songs. Cause why not?

"You girls ready to get back to the ship?" Hafu asked and Kimi nodded.

"Yeah. The boys won't be happy but we need to reach Mira," she said. Janet nodded in response.

"Yeah. They've been so happy while hanging with the others. When does Scott get back with his dropship?"

"He's meeting us there actually. A quick turn around but hey," she said. They changed the subject to a lighter tone

Hafu, Janet and Kimi finally got back to the Skeld from their little road trip. They were laughing and talking but quieted down as they reached the doors.

It was about 6 so most of the boys would still be asleep. Only one that Hafu could think of that would be awake is Steve or DK.

The girls entered the Skeld and saw a fort had been set up with pillows and blankets from all the bedrooms.

Hafu started to laugh softly with Janet and Kimi joining in. A makeshift projector had been set up as well.

They ducked down to see who was in the fort and saw the boys. They were literally a pile of limbs. Not a single person was awake.

Steve heard the noise and woke up slowly and looked over.

"Fuck. You three are back already?" He said, his voice a little raspy from sleeping.

"Yes Steve. Go back to sleep. You're fine," Janet said and the girls headed off.

"Ok. But that was so cute!" Kimi said as they reached admin. The other two nodded.

"I'm still surprised they dragged Peter here but why not? Hang on, does 5up have a thing for him?" Janet asked. They looked over to the yellow twin and she shrugged.

"I think he likes Fundy but he used to like Peter. Come on. We have some preparations for leaving today," she said and walked off with the girls in trail

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