Welcome to the world

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“Hello, my little love bug!” Yoongi chimed as took the baby out of his crib and spun around with his baby in his arms. The baby giggled and laid his head on Yoongis shoulder from just waking up. His fingers were in his mouth as he babbled.
“Yoongi-ah don’t get my baby wound up after he just woke up!” Shouted Seokjin from the kitchen. Yoongi just rolled his eyes and kissed the baby’s soft cheek.” Oh Namjoonie your dada is so silly, huh?” the baby just babbled and grabbed Yoongis nose.

The uncle was going to babysit today while Seokjin returned to work. The father had been on maternity leave from work and was hesitant to leave the baby at home. Soon Yoongi brought the baby downstairs and put him in his highchair.

Namjoon was giggling and banging his hand on the highchair tray. One hand was still by his mouth as he had his fingers in his mouth. When Seokjin came into his sight he smiled and looked up at his dada.

“Hello Namjoonie” Seokjin smiled and set the plates on the table for Yoongi and himself Yoongi began eating while Seokjin fed Namjoonie his jar of baby food. Seokjin was lucky his baby was just like him and was a good eater. When he finished, Seokjin got up and made him a bottle.

After testing if the bottle wasn’t too hot, Seokjin reached to grab Namjoon but was stopped. 

“Hyung I can give him his bottle.” Yoongi offered. The younger had been living with them ever since Seokjin got pregnant. Although Namjoon was the result of a one-night stand, they all still loved him. Seokjin reluctantly handed over the bottle and began eating.  Yoongi took Namjoon out of the highchair and began feeding him his bottle.

He hummed quietly as the baby drank the warm formula. Once he finished, Yoongi burped him and cleaned up the spit up on Namjoons chin.

“You really are Jin hyungs child.” he joked as Namjoons fingers returned to his mouth, The baby squealed and giggled as Yoongi made a funny face at him. Soon Seokjin came out dressed for work, “are you sure you’ll be okay? He can be a handful.” 

“I’ve been living with you hyung, we’ll be fine won’t we Namjoonie?” Yoongi looked down at the baby. Namjoon babbled as he chewed on his fingers. Slobber ran down his chin as he looked up at Seokjin and giggled.

“Okay okay goodbye my little bug, bye Yoongs ill see you when I get off.” Seokjin smiled and reluctantly left the house. 

“Hmm what should we do now Namjoonie? How about we watch a show?” Yoongi put on the baby channel. Namjoons eyes lit up as he watched the colorful shapes and heard all the sounds. He clapped his hands and babbled at the tv.

Yoongi enjoyed watching his nephew so immersed by the colors. While Namjoon watched hed babble constantly. “Oh really? Tell me about it” Yoongi said as if Namjoon was talking to him.

The baby would babble louder when Yoongi responded to him. Oh, how his nephew always made his heart a puddle. When Yoongi bounced Namjoon on his knee Namjoon squealed and giggled.

After the show had gone off Namjoon began to cry loudly, “Oh Namjoonie don’t cry another show will come on.” Yoongi bounced the baby and realized why he was crying so loudly. 

“Oh, you need a change don’t you? Let’s get you all cleaned up.”

After changing the baby’s diaper and dressing him, Yoongi smiled as he set Namjoon on the blanket spread on the ground with toys. Namjoon giggled and hit the toys to make them spin, “ba!” he giggled more.
Yoongi couldn’t help but coo at the baby. He groaned as his phone began to ring, he answered and rolled his eyes, “ yes hyung he’s just fine.” 

“Can I see my baby?” Seokjin asked as he put his stuff on the desk. Yoongi groaned, “Hyung hes just fine, just relax and work I have this handled hes just playing with his toys right now, happy as can be.”

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