Business Trip

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After a few months, Seokjin had a business trip to attend for a week. Unfortunately, he couldnt take little Namjoon with him. 

He was nervous about leaving the poor boy seeing Yoongi planned to visit some college friends for a few days. He was planning on taking Namjoon to his parents house.

Lucky for him, their cousin Woozi was in town for 2 weeks and could take care of the boy. Namjoon had only met Woozi once when he was a baby. 

Seokjin saw it as an opportunity for the two to bond. Seokjin was packing and explaining to Woozi their routine. 

"He usually wakes up from a nap after an hour or so, we have dinner then he gets a bath and we watch a movie." Seokjin explained as he finished packing.

"Hyung itll be okay I can handle him." Woozi assured. 

"Dada m hungy!" Namjoon came running to Seokjin with a sippy cup in his mouth. Seokjin picked Namjoon up.

"I'll get you a snack baby, can you say hi to Woozi?" 

Namjoon looked at Woozi and hid his face, "dada why you go bye bye?" 

"Its for work my sweet boy, Woozi is gonna take care of you. You'll have so so much fun." Seokjin kissed the boys cheek. Namjoon looked at Woozi and made grabby hands for him.

Woozi gratefully took the boy into his arms, "hi Joonie, I heard you like bt21. Who's your favorite hm?"

Namjoon smiled shyly and nodded, " is 'oya." 

"Oh you like Koya? Wow that's a good choice!" Namjoon smiled at Woozi and hugged him tightly. 

Seokjin smiled, glad his son and cousin were getting along well. Yoongi had already left earlier that day so it was just Namjoon, Seokjin, and Woozi.

Seokjins alarm went off for him to leave. He frowned, not wanting to leave. He sighed and kissed Namjoons forehead.

"Let's get a snack then dada has to go baby." 

Namjoon teared up having to hear his dada was leaving. Seokjin held him close and carried him to the kitchen.

He got animal crackers in a bowl and gave it to the boy before settling him down. "Goodbye my baby, dada promises he will be back before you know it. Have fun for me." 

Seokjin hugged both Namjoon and Woozi tightly. He loaded his suitcase into the car before hesitating to drive off.

Woozi saw Namjoon watch out the window with tears streaming down his cheeks. 

"M wan dada 'oozi!" Namjoon cried as he ran to Woozi crying.

"K know Joonie, I know." He hugged him until he filled the now empty sippy cup with more juice. Namjoon drank the juice with tears still in his eyes.

"Hey Joonie, how about we go to the park to cheer you up? Maybe we can invite your cousins,yeah?" Woozi asked.

Namjoon perked up at the mention of cousins. He missed them, " 'ark?"

"Yeah buddy! Finish your juice and snack, go potty, then the park."

Namjoon smiled and wiped his tears, going to quickly finish his snacks. Truthfully,  Woozi missed his cousin Minho and his kids.

He called Minho to fill him in on the plans. Everything was set, Namjoon had finished his snack so Woozi got the bag Seokjin packed for if they left the house.

Namjoon was watching out the window as they drove to the park, " 'ark! 'Ark! 'Oozie we go to 'ark!" 

"I know buddy, are you excited?"

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