English? Whats that?

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Namjoon had stayed home from school today. Although he felt better, he had a fever when Seokjin had woke him up.

Since Seokjin had an important meeting at work, Sooyoung had stayed behind to care for the boy. Currently, they were cuddling on the couch as cartoons played.

"I'll get you more juice baby" Sooyoung kissed his forehead before taking the empty sippy cup to refill it.

Namjoon hummed and watched the TV. He had accidentally hit the remote to make it turn to a new cartoon.

Namjoon had never seen this cartoon before, it was in a different language as well. Why were they speaking that way? What were they saying?

He watched until Sooyoung came back.

"Oh did the channel change Joonie?" She grabbed the remote, Namjoon gently stopped her,"wan watch"

She hummed, Sooyoung knew some English but couldn't understand it as well as Seokjin could.

"Are you sure buddy? It's in English. " Namjoon looked up confused.

"Wat dat?" He asked, tilting his head to the side, still trying to watch the show.

"English. It's a different way some people speak who live in a different place. " she tried to explain. Namjoon didn't really understand but, he didn't care he liked the pretty colors on the TV.

He watched the show, trying to slowly repeat the words,"s-s- sun?" He said in broken English. Sooyoung smiled,"good job buddy. That's very close. It's sun"

He hummed and kept slowly repeating the words as he heard them. Sooyoung occasionally said the word, still picking some of them up herself.

Namjoon was asleep by the time Seokjin arrived home. He smiled and gently stroked his hair. He sighed as he felt his forehead,"still a fever poor baby. "

"How was the meeting?" Sooyoung greeted Seokjin. He hummed,"it was long and boring ~"

She chuckled,"I'd imagine. Joonie started learning a few English words"

"English words? How?"

"I went to fill his sippy cup and I think he accidentally changed the channel but it was on an English cartoon when I walked in. " she explained.

Seokjin nodded,"he's a smart boy. I'm sure he would pick it up quickly if he watched them."

She nodded,"I'm sure. He's already picking up some of the smaller words like sun and hello" she chuckled.

Namjoon laid asleep on the couch with his rosy red cheeks and heavy breathing since his nose started to get stuffy as he slept.

Once he woke up, he was thrilled to see his daddy! He requested cuddles as soon as he could.

Of course Seokjin took him right into his lap and cuddled him so tightly, who could resist Joonie cuddles?

His weakness, and kryptonite, his Joonie cuddles.

He cuddled him as they were back to watching cartoons in the background while Namjoon babbled on to Seokjin about whatever he wanted to talk about.

Don't even ask what the current subject was, Seokjin lost that many, many rambles ago.

Besides the point, Namjoon turned to the TV,"daddy Cwans we watch the ish cawoon?"

"The what baby?" Seokjin asked as he grabbed the remote.

"Da ish cawoon! Dey tawk wike in different place!" Namjoon tried to explain with exaggerated expressions using his arms to show how far away the people he talked about lived.

"Oh the English cartoon? I'm sure we could find it baby, are you sure that you want to watch it?" He asked, already flipping channels.

Namjoon nodded excitedly, " wan dwo da wowds!" He clapped as Seokjin had found the show he had requested.

Seokjin chuckled and held him in his lap as he listened to Namjoon try to quietly repeat the words.

More and more Namjoon started to copy and figure out the English words he picked up from the show. Since he battled a fever the next day, Sooyoung went to work as Seokjin watched him.

"Joonie bubs! Let's take a bath!" Seokjin called out, he hoped the cool bath would help break this nasty fever of his.

He ran in,"daddy! S-sun! An a baf!" Namjoon showed off his newly learned English words. Who knew an accidental channel flip would create a new obsession with learning?

Namjoon enjoyed learning even when he barely started school so it became no surprise he wanted to learn so much.

Finally, the next day Namjoons fever had left and he could return to school. He was so excited to tell Miss Lisa about what he learned at home!

"Welcome back Joonie! Are you feeling better?" Miss Lisa asked as he hugged her tightly.

"Mhms! An I wean wots!" He jumped lightly and grinned.

"Oh yeah? What did you learn hm?" She smiled.

"I wean lish! Wike Wike sun! An baf!" He grinned, showing off his newly learned words as he was guided into the classroom.

"Wow look at you go Joonie"

He grinned. More and more Namjoon watched the English cartoons and picked up more and more words. He started using them often as well.

Seokjin didn't mind, he thought it was adorable how happy and excited his son got to show off his new knowledge.

He started helping him learn his English as Namjoon requested  Seokjin would have to learn more of his English as well if he wanted to keep up!

Namjoon was a quick learner, he often threw in a few English words when he could.

"Mommy! Spoon!" He grinned as he said his newly learned word.

"Wow good job! Youre so smart joonie!" Sooyoung praised. Namjoon giggled and continued spewing the new words Seokjin had practiced with him.

He was well on his way to being fluent so quickly! Although, Namjoon needed to learn more on how to speak before he learned actual sentences in English.

However, Namjoons favorite English word remained Seokjins happiest moment.

While tucking him into bed, Namjoon smiled as Seokjin kissed his forehead,"Nini daddy. "

"Goodnight baby sleep well" Seokjin smiled. Namjoon smiled back as well, in full English Namjoon turned to him and said,"I love you daddy"

Seokjins heart melted, learning to say "I love you" in English was Namjoons favorite English words to say.

He couldn't wait to see just how much his son would improve in the future!

Hello! I'm so sorry it's been so long since I updated this story.

I had this chapter halfway done but got hit with a pretty bad case of the flu. On the bright side I'm a first grader teacher for right now and my kids are so sweet!

Thank you for sticking with me 🫶 hope you enjoyed


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