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At the doctors office, Namjoon played with the toys provided. He wasnt happy about where they were, but the toys helped.

 Seokjin had allowed him to have his giraffe with him as well. When their name was called, Namjoon held onto Sooyoungs hand. 

They followed the nurse to the scale to measure his weight and height. 

"Hey sweetheart, can you step up on this scale for me?" This kind nurse asked. Namjoon whined and looked up at Sooyoung and Seokjin.

They both nodded, he reluctantly let his dada hold boo while he stepped on the scale.

The nurse wrote down his weight and told him to stand against the wall. "Okay let's see how tall you are!" The nurse cheered.

Namjoon giggled, and coughed at her enthusiasm. She measured his height and wrote it down as well. 

"Please follow me."

The nurse guided them to a room and did a small check up. Namjoon was well behaved during the check up. 

Soon the nurse left, and a doctor entered the room.

"Poor little guy, been feeling icky huh?" 

Namjoon nodded and coughed. He wanted to go home now. The doctor checked him over quickly.

"Yup just a cold, I will prescribe some antibiotics that should clear up that cough and get him feeling good as new. 

He needs plenty of rest, take the medicine before bedtime on a full stomach. " the doctor explained as he typed on the computer. 

After a small conversation with the doctor, they were free to go. Namjoon even got a lollipop for being good!

Namjoon cuddled up to Seokjin once again, a sippy cup of juice in his hand, as they watched a movie. He was content even when sick, sitting with his dada. 

They're inseparable.  

Namjoon had a few rough days, and times, when taking his medicine. He finally started better after taking another week to fully recover. 

Soon he was able to go to the park with his cousins! He even got to meet a new member of the family. 

Taehyung had gotten a little puppy named Yeontan. He couldnt wait for him to meet Monie!


Sorry this one is super short :/ I got stuck but I take requests! ♡

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