Third Birthday

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"Namjoonie~" Seokjin called out as he lifted the now 3 year old into his embrace.  Namjoon sleepily tucked his head into the crook of Seokjins neck.

"M tired." 

"Aw but how are we gonna celebrate your birthday if you're asleep hm?" Seokjin patted the boys back gently.

" but I tired dada."

"I know baby, uncle Yoonie is waiting for us." Seokjin ruffled Namjoons bedhead and carried him to the kitchen.

When they entered, Yoongi picked the boy from Seokjin arms," happy birthday kiddo! You're getting so big uncle Yoonie wont get to hold you after too long." Yoongi chuckled.

Namjoon giggled and hugged Yoongi, "story unca Yoonie!" 

"I'll tell you a story at naptime, we need to get ready for the others to get here." Yoongi tossed the boy up and caught him again.  

After breakfast,  Namjoon was running around the house (falling a few times) as he waited. Seokjin waited until Namjoon ran by and scooped him up.

"I gotcha bug! Time to get dressed for your uncles, grandparents, and cousins. Namjoon giggled and tried squirm out of Seokjins hold.

"Play! Play!"

"We will play after you get dressed bugga." Seokjin started dressing the boy quickly. Namjoon was up and running as soon as he was dressed.

"Come on bugga sit down and watch TV while we wait." Seokjin called as he turned on Namjoon favorite show, bt21.

Namjoon had a snack and watched the show. Finally,  everyone arrived the house was filled with squealing children. The adults were talking while the kids ran everywhere.

"Felix slow down and make sure- SEUNGMIN I SAID NO CAKE YET" Minho gathered two of his kids.

"Daddy! Channie took Joonies toy!" Yelled Han. The kids just kept running around. 

Seokjin decided it was time to serve the cake. He added the candles to his ryan cake. Seokjin called out for the kids.

The kids gathered at the table. Namjoon bounced in his seat as they all sang.once Namjoon blew out the candle, cake was cut and passed around.

Baby Jeongin sat in Minhos lap, icing all over his face.Namjoon giggled, "dada lookie innie!"

"I see baby, you used to be that small." Seokjin kissed Namjoons cheek.

Namjoon continued to giggle at the baby. Changbin hit Namjoons arm, "not laugh at my baby broter!"

Namjoons eyes filled with tears as he ran to Seokjin,"dada! Bin bin hit!" Seokjin rubbed Namjoons back.

"Binnie we said no hi- HYUNJIN OFF THAT CHAIR NOW." 

Jeongin whined as he finished the cake Minho was feeding him. Changbin apologized for hitting and drug Namjoon to play more.

When the kids were finally done playing, Namjoon cried when his friends had to leave.

Seokjin held him close and fake cried, "my poor Joonie baby please dont cry my little bug." 

Namjoons cries slowed down when he saw his dada crying. "Dada don cry!" Namjoon posted and tried to wipe Seokjins tears.

Seokjin smiled and kissed Namjoons cheek, " theres my Joonie it's okay dada isn't sad.'

"Dada I wan dem back." Namjoon sniffled.  

"I know bugga they will be back another day theres no need to be sad my bug." Seokjin stroked the boys back and looked at the time. 

"I think a certain little boy needs a nap right about now." Seokjin stood up with Namjoon on his hip.

"Nu~" Namjoon whined. Hes the birthday boy and birthday boys dont have naps! Just cuddles with dada!

"Oh Joonie, as soon as dada gets you all tucked in nice and warm you will drift to dreamland. " Seokjin said as he kissed the boys nose. 

Yoongi had the storybook and followed them. 

"Are you ready for a story Namjoonie?" Yoongi Asked. Namjoon whined. Seokjin liad on the bed next to Namjoon.

Namjoon cuddled into Seokjin as Yoongi began to read a story. Namjoon began drifting to sleep, soon he was asleep with his head laying on Seokjins chest. Seokjin had been exhausted from work and hearing kids scream for hours, so he joined his baby in his slumber.

Namjoon was the first to wake up. He wanted to play with Seokjin , so to wake him up he poked his dadas face, “dada play now?” Seokjin stirred awake and yawned, “baby dada is still tired.” 

“Dada up up!”Namjoon pouted and got down to go find his uncle Yoongi to play with him. On his journey, his stomach began to rumble. “Food.” he mumbled and went to the kitchen. Luckily, Yoongi was in the kitchen making a cup of coffee.

“ Unca Yoonie?” Namjoon mumbled, Yoongi drank his coffee and turned to his nephew. 

“Oh youre awake, do you need something Namjoonie?” Yoongi set his mug down and got eye level with the 3 year old.

“M hungry.”

“Well theres plenty of snacks in here, what are you hungry for?” Yoongi asked as he stood up and went to the pantry. “M gummy!”

Yoongi wasnt sure if his brother would be happy with him pumping the baby full of sugar then he remembered, he doesnt care. So he opened the pack of gummies for Namjoon and turned on the tv. Yoongi grabbed his coffee and joined the boy on the couch.

Namjoon scooted over so he could be next to Yoongi. He enjoyed all those days Yoongi babysat him while his dada went to work. Speaking of his dada, Seokjin walked in with his hair disheviled.

“Sleep good?” teased Yoongi as Namjoon giggled at Seokjins crazy hair. 

"Amazing" Seokjin mused as he sat on the couch. Namjoon crawled into Seokjins lap, "dada gummy?" Namjoon offered his snack.

"No thank you bug it's all yours." Seokjin kissed Namjoons forehead.

Namjoon giggled," dada juice?'

"What's the magic word?" Seokjin joked.


Seokjin got up and fixed Namjoon a sippy cup of juice and brought it over. Namjoon thanked him and began quickly drinking the juice. 

"Dada unca 'oonie gib snack. " Namjoon laid on Seokjin. Seokjin chuckled and played with Namjoons hair.

"I saw that baby, did you say thank you?" 

Namjoon nodded and cuddled up to Seokjin as he finished his sippy cup.

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